Oscar Bailey

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I decided my life is going to be better now. I got rid of the one person who could turn me in. She was going to give me up for the money she owed me. So I took care of the problems. My surgery went very well. At least I won't need to wear a bandage over the scars on my face and I can protect my only child now. I bought a small computer company in Seattle and I know she might be interested in getting in on a good start up with me. I want to see Wesley. Raymond Steele has metamorphosed into Oscar Bailey. It took too much and my family died before I could stop Jack Hyde, at least he died from the same bomb. Bailey's New Beginnings. I set everything up as I construct the rest of my background history and childhood. From Raymond Steele to Arthur Stone and finally I don't have to hide anymore. I might not be able be Anastasia's real father, but I can try to be a good friend to her and Wesley. I call a real estate guy and end up talking to a guy in construction for the area who is also an architect. I drive by my old home and have to make sure the documents get transferred into Anastasia now. I have started it and she should be able to start putting everything in her name after she gets Arthur Stone's will. Arthur Stone left her nearly a billion in cash and a billion in property and other assets. My body was found three days ago and was cremated. The hanging tree with faces and bodies hanging and everything. The police think they caught a serial killer / assassin. Someone called about Jocelyn hanging from a well known tree in a isolated area that had five people swinging from ropes prior to number six Jocelyn. I paid for the homeless guys services and made sure his family were well taken care of. The tattoo was done in a hurry but you could tell who the people were and where the tree was. The body was found vey quickly and photos were very good.
Elliott Grey
Mr Bailey was looking for a place he could grow and expand in along with an excellent power supply and good internet connections and communications in the area. I ask if he is to Roz Bailey and he says his family are all dead. So it is doubtful if he is related to her. I show him everything available and a few places we could build something and get tax breaks on. I explain green initiatives and my thoughts on them and what we could do to incorporate it into what he wants to do and we have finally came to decision and three days later we have a great spot to do a build. He wants employees to have access to child care day and night and an on site medical center and a cafeteria and education center. Underground parking for winter. He wants to be sure he can keep working mothers happy and the pregnant ones as well. He seems to be a benevolent employer and wants to hire excellent people and keep them for a life time. He has a few good people in mind for his system's department. He has need for a temporary office for HR to start hiring right away. So I give him ideas as to where he can find good staff to start hiring for his HR department. I think I know a few people who will want a job there.
I found an upstart company that is hiring people with my skills and they are a growing company. So I send my resume to them. The college has tried to blackball me and threatened to make everything public about why I quit and use the recording and then sue them for trying to keep me from getting gainful employment. So I finally get a call for an interview and I have gone to the interview and I got a certified letter from an attorney that specializes in finding heirs and they say I was left everything by a guy I had never heard of until now. Arthur Stone left me his complete estate including all his money and property. I guess he was the one who was named on the Steele family owner of the trust. At 24 I was supposed to get everything but mr Stone died before he could execute everything and Jocelyn was trying to bully me into giving up everything to her. I would never do that, but she was dangerous. I got word she was taken while in transit to court to face charges for murdering people. She tried to say she was the rightful heir to the Steele family fortune. I finally hear about a second interview and I am offered a job heading up the the computer division. They offer a lot of things for children like daycare and field trips and educational events for kids. I decide to run a background check on the owner and he comes back okay, but I have this odd feeling about how his background is a bit too pristine for my taste. Then I see the closed files when he was a minor. So I passed all the interviews and they offer me even better than mr Grey was offering me. So they bring me on board and allow me to hire my staff and I can offer courses on the weekends.
Anastasia took the job and I am running things behind the scenes as usual. I decide to have a huge welcome to the company party and it took a year but here we are and I am finally getting to meet my grandson after he he became four years old. I make sure there are plenty of photos taken and videos of the entire Bailey company grand opening. Christian Grey and Roz Bailey asked for an invitation and a few other companies came as well. Security was very tight. Safety will always be a huge issue for us.

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