Employee Poaching

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Roz got us an invitation to the Bailey company opening and we get a second attempt at poaching Miss Steele away from her employers. I told Roz she has no idea who she is dealing with. I have been trying to get Miss Steele to join my staff since I heard of her. She got everything she wanted and then some. The Bailey company has offered some very attractive incentives to even attract my employees away from me. So I need to meet the newest Bailey in Seattle. Roz says he is not related to her and doubts that he is using the name he was born with. They have never met in person and she doubts he will be at the party. She says the people that were interviewed were not interviewed by Oscar Bailey himself. So I wonder who he has interviewed in person.
I hope he is a legitimate businessman. I would hate to see the employees who he persuaded to join his company end up having to find lesser jobs because they took him up on their new jobs. Christian is quickly moving towards Anastasia Steele. She has a boy standing by her that is clearly her son. Granted Miss Steele is a genius and has made a huge splash in the computer world and we can easily use her expertise to get well ahead of all our competitors. Mr Bailey is unfortunately not going to be attending the party due to unforeseen obligations outside the country. I ask our ex employees if they have ever met him in person and they haven't met him at all. No one has really met him yet. There are two managers and Miss Steele is one of them and Barney Miller is the other one. He got the two top people in the industry. Christian is talking to his brother and Miss Steele. I go and meet and greet the new business people in Seattle. This place is very up to date on everything. I ask a lot of questions and think we should find out as much as we can since they giving us a look see. The more I walk around, the more I see the man has hired a top HR team and the top head hunters as well. We aren't really competing with him on the greater scale. We will be a consumer of his products and services though. Which is why he threw this party to show his company off and his well chosen people. If I didn't think about it too hard I might think that he especially went after Miss Steele. I do however like the setup they have here and will suggest changes to our benefits to people with children along with the training programs offered at GEH. They have added educational fields to be trained in and a floor in which to do the training and courses. I note everything and we are going to see about getting GEH on line with the Bailey company.
I have been asked about the designs of the building and about Oscar. I met with him very little but he had a few suggestions that I.asked to use in developing my other projects. He isn't here and even if he were he wouldn't be recognized. I have never heard of him or even seen any pictures of him unlike Christian and Roz. Dad thinks it is quite odd that he came out of nowhere and hired so many excellent people and actually talked them into working for his company without actually meeting them. Roz finally made her way over to me and started asking about Oscar. I tell her what I did know about him and she frowns and says you saw him only five times in all that time?
Then he just sat back and watched from behind the scenes while he paid people to get him the best. Elliott is a very trusting man, but when you are given the chance to design and build a very futuristic building with very few suggestions you don't question a gift horse. The building is being applauded for all it's impressive designs and Elliott did the designs. I finally meet Miss Steele, she definitely is not what I expected. I watch as she takes off those glasses and it is that moment that I saw it. She uses those as a prop and the wild hair is another prop. The child is hers there is no doubt about that, but underneath all those disguises is a beautiful woman. I think she baffles with her brains and BS. If she were to stop with her acts she might not be taken seriously. She is a runway model under that act. It took a while before I stopped being some I wasn't. No wonder Christian is drooling over her, he probably hasn't realized it yet, but he will eventually look beyond the disguises soon enough. Elliott sees it somehow.
I don't care for how Elliott and Roz are looking at Miss Steele. There is desire in both of their eyes and here comes nerd boy all flirty with Miss Steele. Both seem very comfortable with each other, but then he introduces his wife Alice and his daughter Louisa. The kids go play with the rest of the kids in the new child safe areas. I try to extract Miss Steele from the group, but it isn't happening at all. Her patents are a few things I want to discuss but I think she knows that.
Mr Christian Grey has been trying to get me to meet with him about my new patents that we are releasing soon to the world. They can be used for a multitude of designs and they will be versatile in their modifications to said products. I tell him that being alone in a room with you is not in the cards mr Grey. We know how meetings end up when you are involved so thanks for asking but no thanks. I have a job I like and I don't have to share my patents with mr Bailey. My parents are mine and no one else's.

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