Alice Miller(sex)

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Alice comes by with Louisa and visits with me and Wesley. She says Barney has been putting in some long hours and she think he needs help at GEH badly. I tell her that I have my hands full with Baileys. Plus I need to finish what I started here with the teen programs and the three we have in the programs now. I made a huge commitment to assure all three got the right training and the right education.
I woke up all alone and naked. I see her earrings laying on the bedside table and pick them up. I shower and get dressed in the jeans and t shirt I level here to wear back home. I have this place cleaned weekly and stocked with clothing and food as well. I call for Taylor and walk out and he is talking to mom and dad. Apparently they are discussing miss Williams and her behavior last night. I knew her and her mother would not leave me alone. They have been following me from event to event hoping to somehow get me to the alter. I make sure they are al2ays watched and that my food and drink is safe from any drugs they might try to mix in them. I still can't prove they had anything to do with the drug in my food at one event and the drug in my water at another one. Luckily we were by a hospital at the time and Taylor got me tested for a drug and both times it was the date rape drugs.
I offer to take on her teens and train them in the way she wishes. We set up the three to meet me and I offer to set up more time for other teen programs and we get our heads together and we create a whole department just to train new teens to get into the fields desperately needing new blood. How can I admit to Anastasia I want to work and right now her putting me in charge of the teens is the best thing I can get.
I see the look in Alice's eyes and I hand her over the group and they don't mind the changes and we are adding more. A few had already tried to get siblings and cousins along with classmates involved in the training and work. HR has several new people to handle all the processes for the minors. Oscar is supposed to come in for the Christmas party. I have promised Wesley a trip to Disney in Florida so I won't be here for the party. The company has expanded and it will keep expanding along with adding various manufacturing facilities and I have to go to them and establish a connection to the staff. My schedule is getting hectic. Wesley is going to go with me on the long trip. But he will be in school for the  short ones.

Four months later I have run into Christian at an event and Wesley is spending the night with Barney, Alice and Louisa.
I had assured that Anastasia would be at this event and here she is. I have had to brush off three of my sisters friends along with mrs Williams trying yet again to get me to help Leila get out of jail. I ignore her as I head to help Anastasia get rid of the newly divorced Simon Turner. After number five you would think he would leave the younger women alone. At fifty something he still hasn't learned his lesson. I interrupt his drooling on Anastasia and take her away from him and the other men frothing at the mouths men trying to gain her favor. I take her to the dance floor and I pull her close to me and say I see you are still attracting the wrong kind of men.
I guess are you one of them as well.
I don't know yet. I ask her to walk with me. I smile and we head to a very private balcony. I still want her to work for me, but right now I want to be alone with her. I find the right spot for us to be. The moon is shining brightly and I watch her as she stands by the balcony doors. I close them and move close to her and press her against the wall. I kiss her deeply and she accepts the kisses. I notice her dress and realize how accessible it is. I start kissing her her throat and move the straps down to expose her breasts and suck and twist her nipples. I have her where no one can see behind my suit jacket. I move my hand between her legs where the dress slits and I reach her very wet almost nothing lace panties. I want her now and I can't wait. I pull her dress up and unzip and free my penis and left her and slide into her vagina and we match each other's thrusts until we come fast and hard at once. I calm down and we adjust our clothing. I take her hand and we head to the elevator and I bring her to my hotel suite.
It has been months and I couldn't stop myself and it was just so fast. Our needs just get the better of us. He fixes our attire and he takes me to his suite. I know the deal so I am just going to enjoy what he does to my body. We get into his room and he locks the door and drops his things and mine on the table by the sofa. He picks me up and takes me to his king sized bed. He takes his clothes off and forbids me to remove mine yet. Suddenly he pulls my straps down and rips the dress completely off me. Then he rips my panties off. He pulls me up and enters me as we move onto the bed. Our kissing is passionate and he sucks and bites as he and I meet each other in thrusts over and over again.
I am not sure why, but I had to have her the moment I saw her and I don't have sex in public places, but I saw her in that totally accessible dress and had to have her and I recalled Elliott telling me about that balcony and his exploits. He was very right and I want to do that again with Anastasia. I turn Anastasia over and massage her all over. I think we can do this again if you want to. Have sex. She moans a yes and I spread her legs so I can slide into her from behind. I move in and out very slowly just sliding my tip inside to tease her. I keep this up holding her down and when she presses harder I push deep inside her and pull out over and over until I hear her say please and I start slam hard and deep into her and she comes hard and fast she tightens around me and I move around and finally come hard a deep after she came three times. I flip her over and pull her on top of me and play with her boobs.
I wake up to a pounding on the door to my suite.
Sir we need to get you and Miss Steele out of the hotel now.
I grab the clothes I can have Anastasia put in and I quickly wake her and we both take a quick shower. I grab everything and get her heels and Taylor is waiting and we go down the service elevators.
Sir Mrs Williams has hired someone and they helped miss Williams escape. She has been sited in the hotel. I hurry her them out and into a van sitting outside and we drive to a safe place and Barney has been picked up with miss Steele's son along with his wife and daughter.
I listen and I am more concerned about Wesley.
I call the cops and my following the limo has paid off. It is being used to help miss Williams escape from jail. These aren't the same women from the coffee shop though. Same limo though. Weird. I later found out the limo was stolen from the rental agency within the last 24 hours. It had been returned at the airport. I guess I might never know who the young woman and the woman from that day. I stay with them and they are asking about mr Grey and I let the hotel that these two are criminals the younger woman just escaped and is a danger to mr Grey. Soon they have communicated 5his fact to mr Taylor and the security team.

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