Carlton Smythe

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Carlton Smythe
The one thing that Elena hadn't figured was Seattle have most wanted posters of her regarding me. She actually thought I was dead. The joke was on her. My family was alerted to my being found shortly after Oscar found me and got me to the hospital one very private hospital. No one and I mean no one had access to it but a certain few who were passed through a lot of hoops. My family finally got through them after three weeks. Oscar called me as soon as he found out the Lincoln's were in Seattle and hiding in plain sight as he calls it. My family and bodyguards were ready to go once we got news of the Devil's bride surfacing. Not sure how much Ellen knows, but if she was involved in anything then she will be serving time as well. We now know that Ellen wasn't Richard Lincoln's child.I am sure if she doesn't know now she will soon. My family is out for blood, they have evidence from back before I was taken. Elena Lincoln is wanted not just for questioning but they can prove she is a serial killer of teenagers.
I sit with the Smythe family as they talk about how to proceed with criminal charges. Carrick Grey will be getting involved more than he knows about. But they have bodyguards already with him. They introduced themselves to him as he was about to leave for his home. I am going to be surrounded by bodyguards and so will anyone involved in this case. Elena has soldiers in her followers. So we go big or go hone. I can't believe she thought Christian would bail her and Ellen out. I dial Carrick and he said he was waiting on my call and thanks for the files and bodyguards. I tell him the Smythe family wants this done and everyone safe who is involved in it.
Wesley and I are driven by an entourage to Bailey company. Dad is serious or someone is about my and Wesley being safe. I call Alice and have her handle all the training of the teens. I make sure they are all safe. Things are moving very quickly security upgrades are being installed everywhere and the teens have heavily armed men and women assuring their safety. Explaining this to their families and foster parents was an issue and I explained they were safer now than if they were to quit and have no bodyguards on them. Elena wants my inheritance and Christian's as well.
We can't get an attorney, no one wants to defend us. Plus money is tied up in other matters. The staling charges have been dropped and we were charged with stalking Christian Grey. Kate Kavanagh pressed charges against us for attempted murder and kidnapping. They recorded our telephone calls. Artemis Rogers is in protective custody at this point. He hasn't said anything other than what he told me he was going to say. Sadly there were witnesses and credible ones who are going to nail Artemis to the wall.
Mom why does Christian say I am not his sister and he can prove it easily?
That's what you are so worried about? Aren't you wondering why we are being guarded so heavily? Finally I get the visitor I am waiting for. Alexander Hyde
I walk into the room and there they are handcuffed. Ellen had nothing to do with this. I know for sure she didn't. I think Elena is setting her up to take the fall for everything she can, but that is not going to happen. My granddaughter will not end up behind bars because of this addicted pedophile serial killer. I just turned over everything to the prosecutor. I sent things to the Smythe, Grey, Bailey and the Steele families. The attorneys have envelopes waiting for them at their homes. I ask to talk to Ellen alone. I don't want Elena to get off the hook for everything she has done. She disappeared with Ellen the same time the Smythe boy did. It was very obvious she was not finished with her addictions. Today I get my granddaughter free of this she devil. At least she didn't know what her mother was truly up to all this time. She never knew about Carlton being held hostage by her mother.
Gramps gets me out of jail and send me to his hotel suite with three bodyguards and tells me not to visit my mother again. I beg him but he says follow my instructions and stay away from her or she will have you serving her time for just being her daughter. He shows me photos of her victims and one was Carlton Smythe. Then I recall that he disappeared the day of his birthday after she made a phone call. I think I know more than I should know.
You recalled something didn't you?
Yes, mom made a call right before Carlton disappeared and she was the last one to see him.
She is guilty of a lot of things including killing your father. Wesley Steele is your nephew, Anastasia Steele is his mother. Your mom wants the Steele estate and she had Jack do her dirty work, but he died in the explosion. She killed Bobby after she found out about you. You aren't her child, she killed your mother and Christian's mother. Bobby Hyde is your father he was thirteen when he got her pregnant. His body was found in the same state you were born in. West Virginia up in the mountains where I never suspected her to hide out at. It was when I started hunting her aggressively that rumors of you hit my ears. We need to get you an attorney and you need to tell them everything you can.
I have never been sure of mom and after miss Kavanagh being shot and almost killed by her hired man, I am starting to feel that mom is everything gramps says she is. He has an attorney waiting for us. He has gotten me released already.
Shawn Davis criminal lawyer
Mr Hyde called me as soon as he heard his granddaughter was behind bars and had me work my magic. He told me not to do any work for Elena or anyone else but his granddaughter. I found out that she was lied to and misled every step of the way by Elena. I spend an hour talking to my client alone and she breaks down crying when she realized her grandfather was right about her mother. She wants to apologize to miss Kavanagh, but I encourage her to have me to reach out to her instead.

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