Chapter 14

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 Shoutout to FrenchBaguette190 for reading my story, go check out their Philidosia story (Sorry, I don't remember the title, if you want you can put it in the comments.)

Angie's pov:

It only took a week for the news I'd been anticipating to arise. They had decided it would be for the best to get a divorce and mom assured Johnathan, who had hung his head in shame, that he was not at fault and that they simply didn't love each other anymore. Dad glared at Johnathan and he must have felt dad's eyes burning into the back of his head, because he turned around; but, dad was already back to eating his scrambled eggs by then and pretended nothing had happened.

Jon's pov:

"He's staring at me again, Isn't he?" I whispered to Amelia who was floating next to me trying to steal some bacon off my plate. I playfully smacked her hand away and she pouted. 

"Just because I'm a ghost doesn't mean I can't eat human food!" she whined.

"Fine." I said, caving at her adorable puppy dog pleading eyes and pouty face.

God, could her hazel eyes be any more hypnotizing? I almost couldn't pull myself out of her gaze. And to be honest, I didnt want to either.

-Time skip to next day brought to you by Phillidosia-

Phillip's pov: 

We had to start packing the next day. All day yesterday, dad had been looked up in his office. The next morning when I went in the office to call dad for breakfast, it was beyond recognition.

 There were no endless stacks colored paper, there weren't pens, pencils, and paper clips strewn all over the desk and surrounding floor, everything was cleaned, emptied, polished, and looked brand new. It was as if dad had never been in here at all. 


Johnathan's pov: 

Amelia and I were sitting on my bed, looking through old scrapbooks my mom had dug out of the attic. Since mom and dad were getting a divorce, they couldn't afford nor needed a gigantic house anymore, so we were moving. I wasn't upset about it at all. In this town, I had no friends except for when Amelia was alive, but she was coming with us.

While we were on the bed, our fingers suddenly touched as we simultaniously went to turn a page at the same time. She blushed and pulled her hand away alittle too late. I grabbed her hand gently and kissed it lightly. She giggled, but didnt say anything. I put her hand down, but didn't let go. 

"Amelia, I have somthing I need to tell you." I confessed nervously.

"Dont be nervous Jon, just tell me. I quite literally went through hell and heaven to get back to you. Whatever it is, we can handle it." She  said confidently.

I gulped and took a deep breath before continuing, my heart beating faster in my chest each second I wasted.

"Amelia, I love you. I always have and always will. I think you're gorgeous and hilarious and stunning and just flat-out the most amazing, most interesting person on the planet." I gushed. 

She froze and didn't say anything. I started to panic. Immediately, hundreds of thoughts began running through my mind.

'What if she doesn't like me back?'

'What if she thinks Im a crazy, babbling idiot?'

'What if she only likes me as a friend?'

'What if she deserts me again?'

Then, she quiets my thoughts with a few simple words.

I love you too, Jon.

And then she leaned over the bed and kissed me.

A/N: Longest chapter so far.

Word count: 610

In love with a ghost (Phillimelia)Where stories live. Discover now