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A/N: Hi, guys. Everyone that's read this I want you to know I'm so so thankful you took the time to read this, and I'm sorry to say this is going to be the final chapter. I know, sudden ending, but I've lost all motivation for this until now and I'm determined to finish it. Look out for updates on House 114 and 100 days, too, along with my two Tommy x readers. 

Jon pov: 

One day, Amelia and I were out taking a walk through the town just hanging out, laughing, and enjoying each others company. Suddenly, Amelia winced and grabbed her chest where her heart was. I turned to her. 

"Are you alright, 'Melia?" I was concerned.

"Actually, Jon, I....have something to tell you." Amelia sighed.

"You can tell me anything, you know that." I assured her.

She still looked nervous, and I noticed for the first time that her normally excited and alert eyes had gone tired and droopy. She looked as if she hadn't slept in weeks.

She motioned to me to sit with her on a nearby bench in our favorite park before she continued.

"I haven't been totally honest with you..."


Amelia couldn't move on. She couldn't stand to go on to heaven (or hell, I guess) without one final goodbye to her soulmate. The gatekeeper (the one who helped people move on) told her that if she returned to Earth, each day she was there the pain would grow a little worse.

And after a month... her heart would shatter (literally shatter) and she would never feel another emotion again.  She hadn't cared. Her heart was already injured each day that passed without her being able to say goodbye. To see him once more.

But now, as promised, her heart was in terrible pain-a mere week away from shattering. She hadn't told anyone, more ashamed than scared. And now she was running out of time.

Amelia had just finished explaining and Jon was crying. There were so many emotions portrayed in each tear, and Jon wasn't even sure which emotion had triggered them. He just knew they were there. He turned to Amelia.

"You need to move on." He said softly, cupping her face gently.

"B-but I can't! I'll never see you again!" Amelia cried. 

"Dont worry about me, you're the one losing your emotions in a week." Jon said.

Amelia took a deep, shaky breath with closed eyes. When she opened them, she looked calmer and she had a morbid look of acceptance on her face.
One thing was clear; She and Jon were never meant to be. Fate seemed to enjoy bringing people together onto to tear them apart.

One more shaky, salty, tear filled kiss, then Amelia willed herself away, let go, and like a final puff of smoke from a dying flame, she was gone.


November 1st, 2025 (three years later)

Dear Amelia,

I hope your doing well in Heaven. Or, knowing you, you somehow ended up in hell. Probably from punching Phillip. Anyway, I know it's been a few months since I've written to you, so I wanted to fill you in on everything that's happened. Well, Phillip finally found the balls to ask Theo out and they've been dating happily for a month now. I'm very happy for the both of them, though I still get a little emotional seeing them as they remind me of us. 

I just wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten about you. Every single day something reminds me of you. Like one day I went with Phillip to get some groceries and we passed by our favorite park. The one we had out final goodbye at. I almost started crying in front of him, but passed it off as getting something in my eye. 

To this day nobody believes me when I tell them about you. Apparently, as a ghost nobody could see you but me. I didn't want them thinking I was crazy again, so I just stopped mentioning you. Its a shame they couldn't see you, you are beautiful.

I miss you. Every day, you're the last thing I think about before I go to bed and the first thing in the morning. And, my love, I just wanted to let you know; I will always love you.

I will see you on the other side.

Yours forever,

Johnathan Hamilton.

Word count: 742

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