chapter 4

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ignore my mistakes haha. i dont like editing so sorry if i mispell words. heres chapter 4!:D

(/^O^)/ \(^O^\)

I threw a punch at my targets face and she collided to the ground. Damn. She has one hard face to begin with. Someone needs to soften it with some baby lotion or a babies ass haha. A babies ass should work so they can take a shit on her face baha.

Kevin got in the ring and grabbed my hand. "Winner! Ace!" Kevin yelled.

People cheered and Kevin handed me my cash. I grinned and shook myself since I still felt pumped up. The chick got up and massaged her bruised face. She shot glares at me and I smirked. Before any of us said something, gun shots were heard nearby.

Shit man! i gotta get the hell outta here if I wanna stay alive. I booked it and crashed into someone when I looked over my shoulder.

"Shit! Sorry!" I heard a very familiar voice.

I looked at the dude and smirked full on. Plastics boyfriend. His eyes widened.

"You fight?" He asked.

"Yeah." I told him casually.

More gunshots were heard and the dude jumped while I stood my ground.

"Who brought you here?" I asked him.

He started cursing under his breath and I chuckled.

"Come on. I'll take you." I told him.

I grabbed his hand and we left. We jumped over the fences and into some deserted parking lot where my baby was parked. I heard him curse some more and I was laughing so hard in my head. I got on my baby and roared him to life. I felt the dude get behind me and his arms wrapped around me.

I drove off and got to my street. I stopped, turned it off, got off with the dude and started walking lightly and quietly. The dude didn't say nothing so I looked at him. He looked tired as hell. I chuckled. I parked my baby in the driveway and saw the dude walking towards the front door. Crap.

"Aye! Over here!" I whispered yelled at him.

He looked at me and nodded. He followed me to the big tree and I climbed it.

"How come we're not going through the front door?" He asked.

I scoffed. "And get my ass chewed by mom? No thanks." I told him.

I got on one of the strong branches and pushed myself lightly. I got on the roof quietly and helped the dude get on. He almost slipped but good thing I had a better grip on him. We tiptoed across the roof and into my room.

I locked my window and dug in my closet. I changed into a big loose shirt and tossed dude some basketball shorts. He caught them and changed into them. Good thing tomorrows friday. I need my sleep throughout the whole weekend and to spend some time with Josh and Mac.

I landed on my bed and set the timer on my phone to 7 am and snuggled up in my blankets. I felt weight get on my bed and I was too tired to tell the dude to get the fuck off. I closed my eyes and entered a blissful sleep.

I woke up to my phone singing the barbie song. I turned it off fast before my ears exploded. Yes, I have that song as an alarm cause it wakes me up really fast and it's harder for me to fall back to sleep from the rush. I looked at the dude and saw that he was still passed out.

I pushed him off the bed and he landed with an oof. I chuckled and entered my restroom. I jumped in the showers and took a 10 minute shower. I got out feeling clean and better. I wrapped a towel around me and entered my room.

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