chapter one

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Brianna's POV

"Brianna get up, we gotta get to set!" Madison yells from her bedroom which happens to be next to mine.

"Alright I'm up!" I reply, the tone of my voice screaming out nothing but pure exhaustion.

Last night was pretty tough; from the hysterical crying to the anxiety attacks. I think I managed to pass out at around 4am and now it's just gone 6am. Great.

So, you've probably gathered that my name is Brianna Lovato and that I'm Demi's sister. I'm 15 years old and I'm kind of irrelevant. That's basically all anybody on the outside knows, heck that's even what most of my family know. Hardly anyone knows the real Brianna, or should I say 'Anna'.

I'm more of myself on my twitter account than I am in person. In person I hide behind a wall; not wanting to let anybody in or any secrets out, but on twitter I can be myself and say what I feel without any backlash. To my followers, I'm just another Demi fan who's struggling with some shit that I'd rather not get into.

It sounds stupid but having my account makes me feel somewhat closer to Demi in a way. It's dumb because I still see her when she visits, but even then it's not for long. The update accounts tell me more about where my sister is than she tells me herself. It's as if everyone in my family knows what Demi's doing except for me. I'm invisible to this family.

"BRIANNA WE'RE GONNA BE LATE" my mom yells from the bottom of the stairs, and I internally cuss her out for being so god damn moody in the mornings.

I don't bother brushing my hair or doing my make up since there are people on set who'll end up trying to fix me anyways. I quickly throw on one of Demi's Hope Dealer hoodies and a pair of leggings before running down the stairs to meet Madison and my mom.

"Are you trying to look like Demi today or something?" Madison jokes while we follow our mom to the car.

"Fuck off"

I am so not in the mood for her shit today. I love Madison but I'm sick and tired of her being seen as this cute girl with amazing talents while I'm swept under the rug.

I ignore Madison's threats to tell mom about my "bad language" and open up twitter on my phone before starting yet another rant.

"@wordsweneversaid: Wow, 2 hours of sleep and now I have to deal with my sister and mom being complete bitches to me."

A few replies popped up in my notifications, basically telling me to stay strong. Even though it's a simple two words, it still managed to make me feel some comfort.

"One new tweet from @ddlovato: Just watched Bad Teacher on CBS... SO CUTE!!! Everybody go watch my little sister in my fav new comedy!!!! 😂👏"

The minute Demi's tweet pops up on my screen, my heart breaks. Yeah I'm proud of Madison for her part in Bad Teacher, but I'm in it too. I've been in every single TV show that Madison's been in, it's just that nobody notices because all I ever am is an extra. I guess I'm not as talented or as pretty as my sisters to be successful. Still, it wouldn't hurt to be acknowledged once in a while.

If you stalk Demi's account, when she talks about sisters she only ever mentions Madison, and Dallas on a rare occasion. It's Maddie this, Maddie that, I love Maddie. Blah, blah, fucking blah. I'm sick of it. I was born before she was, I should have some sort of bond like that with Demi but instead I get nothing. I'm not even close to Dallas. I feel like the ugly duckling in this family.

"Oh my God aw, Demi just tweeted about the show mom!" Madison giggles from the front seat, causing my mom to break out into a huge ass smile that is way too cheery for the morning time.

"I miss her" Madison adds, sulking back into her seat as we reach the set.

"She'll be home soon baby, she's gonna visit us after she finishes up with the tour" my mom says reassuringly, gently rubbing Madison's arm for comfort.

"I just miss having some quality time with her, that's all"

"Ha, you and me both" I mutter sarcastically, finally catching the attention of my mom and sister. I don't even wait to see if they'll reply; I know they won't. So instead I get out of the car, slamming the door shut behind me before walking to the trailer for all of the extras while Madison happily skips over to her own personal trailer, hand in hand with my mom.

"@wordsweneversaid: I already want this day to end."

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