chapter nineteen

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Demi's POV

I haven't had a chance to sit down with Brianna since that night before our sister's movie and to say I'm anxious is an understatement. There's so much about my sister that I have no clue about and it scares me. I can't help but wonder what she would have said if Madison hadn't of interrupted us. She looked as if she really wanted to open up but her mind was battling with her. I could see it in her eyes; she was screaming for help.

Sadly, our next discussion is gonna have to wait until at least tonight or tomorrow since mom and Eddie are taking us all to Disneyland together as one final family thing before I have to head back on tour soon.

Honestly, I've been trying not to think about going back on tour. The last thing I want to do is be further away from my family, especially Brianna since I've no clue what's going on in her mind - other than the fact that she's depressed. I'm not even sure if mom knows that.

Brianna hasn't gotten any more sociable since we spoke. She's still glued to her phone all the time, typing away. I'm almost positive that she's who I think I've been messaging but at the same time I have the voice of reason in my head telling me to not be so dumb. Kids her age have tumblr, she could be on that all the time. There's no reason for Brianna to have a fan account dedicated to me, none at all. Everything that's happened is just coincidence.

Funny, coincidence is never something I've believed in..

Brianna's POV

I've had this overwhelming urge to be in Demi's arms lately. I guess ever since our chat when she comforted me, it reminded me of what life used to be like, and I miss it. A lot.

I don't know what I'll do if she asks me about hurting myself again. I'm just not ready to have anyone know, but knowing Demi, she'll somehow try to bring it up again.

Today I wanna try and forget about all of the bullshit going on in my head and enjoy spending time with my family. What better way to do that than go to Disneyland right?

"Girls! Everyone to the car, we gotta go!" Dad yells as we all come stumbling down the stairs, one after the other.

Yep, we're definitely all related. Such klutz's.

"All ready?" mom asks with a smile while we all respond with a mixture of head nods and 'yep's.

"Alright then, let's go!"

As everyone makes their way to the car, I quickly grab Demi's arm and hold her back for a second.

"Can..can I sit next to you today Dem?" I ask, embarrassed by my child-like demeanor.

Truth is, I really miss my big sister and how she would obsess over me and cuddle me constantly.

"Of course" she smiles warmly before pulling me into a hug, "lets go baby girl".

Baby girl, I've missed that.


After an hour's drive of having to listen to Madison and Dallas impersonate Miranda Sings, we finally made it to Disney. Thank God, because I really don't think I could last another second with that pair.

We were handed our fast track passes and each bought a hat from the souvenir shop. Demi says it's to help disguise us all but secretly I think she just loves to walk around in a Darth Vader helmet.

"What should we go on first?!" Maddie asks excitedly, jumping up and down.

"How about Space Mountain?" I suggest, looking up at Demi who has her arm linked with mine.

"Good choice baby, race you guys!" she replies before grabbing my hand and pulling me to the queue.

Internally, my head is screaming at me and throwing flashbacks of the night in the alleyway into my mind after hearing Demi call me baby, but I try to push it away.

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