chapter nine

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Brianna's POV

That did not just fucking happen. How the hell did Demi even find out about me?! I mean I knew Dionne was gonna be here tonight but my only guess is that she had meet and greets or something and that's how Demi found out. Either way I'm pissed off. I know I shouldn't be mad at Dionne, and if I wasn't Demi's sister and just a fan then I would be over the moon, but this shouldn't have happened.

"Hey baby, you feeling better?" Mom asks as she walks into the dressing room, followed by Maddie and then Demi.

"I'm fine" I say sharply, still mad about what happened.

"What's wrong?" Demi asks, clearly confused by Mom and I's conversation.

"I just said I'm fine. Leave me alone" I snap, pushing by everyone and heading to the bathroom.

Not thinking, I lock myself in a cubicle before opening up a new message to Dionne.

"@wordsweneversaid: what the hell was that?! Demi can't know about me Dionne. I love you but you shouldn't have done that."

I slump down onto the disgusting bathroom floor, trying to calm my anxiety that's rising in me. I am so fucking screwed.

As predicted, my fan account is getting spammed with hundreds of congrats tweets from fans and followers. Great.

"@lovatorable: @wordsweneversaid ANNA WHAT THE FUCK IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! IM FREAKING OUT😭😭😭"

My heart practically aches as I read my best friend's tweet to me. I can picture exactly how she's reacting right now thanks to the millions of exclamation marks and emojis. It doesn't stop there, her profile is flooded with positive tweets about me and how proud she is. If only she knew the truth, she would for sure hate me.

I don't even have the heart to respond to any of the tweets and instead throw my phone on the ground in frustration, causing the case to fall off and reveal my emergency blade.

"Do it. You've betrayed your own best friend"

Stop no please.

"Demi wasted a shout out on you. That could have been used for someone who needs and deserves it. You're so selfish"

Please, leave me alone. I'm sorry.

"Cut cut cut"





With my hands clutching over my ears, I scream in an attempt to drown out the voices in my head but it's no use. They're too loud. It's drowning me. I quickly grab hold of my emergency blade and do as they said.

"Brianna?! Brianna was that you?!"

I freeze.

Demi's voice. That's Demi's voice. Shit. Act normal.

"Demi?" I reply, my voice raspy from screaming. Damnit.

"Brianna were you screaming? And what are you still doing in there? We have to go home"

"I felt sick. I'll be two minutes" I reply, completely ignoring her first question.

I mean what am I supposed to say? "Yes Demi that was me screaming in an attempt to silence the voices in my head, but no big deal"? Um, no.

"Okay, well hurry up" she replies, hesitance in her voice.

I don't reply and instead wait until I can hear her footsteps dull down as she exists the bathroom.

Fuck that was close. I grab my phone case, sitting my blade in it before clicking my phone back in place and sorting the sleeve of my hoodie to hide the damage.

Time to pretend as if I'm not breaking from the inside out.

Demi's POV

"So what did you guys think of the show?" I ask everyone as we pile into the car, heading back home.

"It was amazing! Thank you for letting me sing with you!" Maddie gushes, a huge smile spread across her face.

"Aww no problem baby girl, you were amazing"

"Thanks Dem" she says shyly, "your warrior speech was amazing too"

"You think? I didn't really have a speech planned but I wanted Anna to know I'm here for her" I reply casually, forgetting that I'm the only person who actually knows who Anna is thanks to my account.

"I mean, that girl in meet and greet told me about her and I felt connected to her, so I thought maybe she could use some encouragement" I quickly add, saving myself from suspicious questions.

Maddie nods in reply while my mom seems to be staring at Brianna.

"Mom? You okay?" I ask quietly before looking over at Brianna.

She's staring out the window with an anxious look on her face. Her skin is pale and I can see beads of sweat forming on her forehead.

"Yeah, I um I'm fine. Your speech was beautiful" she replies, her voice monotone while her eyes never break away from Brianna.

"Bri, you okay?" I ask, reaching out to rub her arm for some comfort, but instead she jerks away from me.

"Y-yeah" she replies quietly, trying to take a deep breath in.

"Bri, look at me" I say, ignoring my sister's jerking as I hold her arm again, "deep breaths in and out"

I can spot an anxiety attack from a mile away, my mind basically goes into autopilot when it comes to controlling them. Now, why Brianna is having an anxiety attack is beyond me. I mean, what's there to be anxious about?

"Stop the car" she suddenly cries out, and I can see the remaining color drain from her face completely.

"Brianna, what's wrong?" mom asks while all eyes land on my sister, who's visibily trembling.

"I said stop the car, now!" she yells and Eddie quickly obliges, pulling in to the side of the road.

The minute the wheels stop moving, Brianna launches herself out of the car and starts violently throwing up on the grass.

"What the hell is going on?" I panic while watching mom quickly run over to Brianna's side, holding her hair up.

"She didn't feel well earlier" mom replies seconds later, "Demi, text Dallas and tell her to prepare a hot water bottle for Brianna"

I watch as my younger sister continues to throw up, clutching onto her stomach in pain.


Pulling my phone out my back pocket, I click the home button. As I'm about to unlock my phone to text Dallas, I see a message from Anna.

"@wordsweneversaid: what the hell was that?! Demi can't know about me Dionne. I love you but you shouldn't have done that."


I don't even have a chance to reply to Anna thanks to my mom's yells at me.


"I've been calling your name for like two minutes. Buckle up, we need to get your sister home. Did you text Dallas?"

"Oh uh yeah I'm doing it now" I reply, slightly spaced out.

Why is Anna so upset with me?

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