chapter thirteen

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Brianna's POV

"Where the hell have you been?! Don't you ever do that again! You had me worried sick! What's that on your jeans?! Are you hurt?! Where were you?!"

I knew this would happen. I knew my mom would ask a million and one questions without actually giving me a chance to reply, not that I want to.

"Dianna, give her a minute" my dad says softly, placing a hand on her back in an attempt to calm her down.

"What happened sweetie?" dad asks me, and I can feel my heart practically pounding out of my chest.

"I just needed some space" I reply quietly, praying that this conversation is about to end in 0.2 seconds.

"Why is there blood on your jeans?" Dallas asks me, and I jump from her voice. I didn't even see her or my other sisters standing there, watching all of this. I feel like an animal in a zoo or something.

"I fell walking back home into a dirt puddle, it's not blood" I say in panic, trying to push by everyone and head up to my room.

"Not so fast" Demi says, grabbing me by my arm.

Before I can even register what happens, my body goes into panic mode and I start yelling.

"Don't touch me!"

"Brianna what the hell is wrong?!" mom yells in panic, but all I can hear are loud noises and muffled sounds.

"Please just leave me alone" I plead before running up to my room, locking the door behind me.

Way to be suspicious Brianna.

Demi's POV

We all stare at each other in both fright and confusion at Brianna's outburst. She looked an absolute mess. She had dirt on her face, stains on her jeans and her hair was a mess. I'm trying not to think the worst but my mind can't help it.

"I'm gonna go talk to her" I say before turning to head upstairs.

"Dem, just leave her be, you've done enough tonight" Dallas replies with a sorry expression.

I know she didn't mean to sound harsh with me, but that hurt. I didn't mean for this to happen. I just wanted her to open up to me but instead, I just made everything worse.

Brianna's POV

I can't tell if I'm crying or if it's just the water beating down on my skin from the shower head. I've been standing in the shower, furiously scrubbing every inch of my body in an attempt to get rid of that man's touch but it's not working. I can still feel his hold on me, and the bruises on my thighs from him forcing my legs apart doesn't make this any better.

I can't believe I've been raped. That asshole stole the one thing that's mine. That's something I'll never get back. And now I'm gonna be even more fucked up thanks to this.

There's a knock on the bathroom door, and I mentally curse my parents for having a spare key to my room otherwise no one would be bothering me.

"Bri, you've been there for a while. Come down when you're done, it's family night" mom says before I hear my bedroom door click shut again.

Family night? After everything that's happened tonight, they want family night? What a fucking joke.

After scrubbing my body for another ten minutes, I shut off the shower and cover my body as quickly as possible, too disgusted to even glance at his work.

I feel too numb to cry, I think I'm in shock mostly. My body is leading me into my room, changing me into my pyjamas but my mind is drowning in the numbness. For a second, I don't even remember when I walked down the stairs and into the living room where everyone was sitting around the table. Again, zombie.

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