chapter two

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Brianna's POV

"How did filming go today baby?" mom asks, and I'm about to open my mouth and speak before Madison cuts me off. Of course mom was talking to her. She's the star after all.

"Yeah it went good! I wish I had more lines though" she replies, and I can't fight the laugh that threatens to spill out of my mouth.

"What?!" Madison snaps at my outburst, only causing me to laugh more.

"You're kidding right? More lines? Madison I don't have one God damn line, quit being so ungrateful" I whisper yell, scared of how angry I'll get if she keeps this act up.

"Well I'm sorry that I happen to be good at acting which is why I was cast with an actual role instead of some girl who sits in the corner. Ha, I bet you don't even have to try to get into character for that since you're like that all the time. Alone" she spits back, and I can't even believe those words just left her mouth.

"Madison, stop" mom interrupts and gives her a look as if to say 'that's enough'.

Damn right it's enough.

Do you know how much it hurts to have someone who is supposed to love and support you no matter what, basically tell you all of your insecurities to your face in an attempt to get one up on you? It fucking sucks.

Madison turns to face the front while I pull my knees up to my chest and start tweeting on my phone in an attempt to keep myself from crying.

"@wordsweneversaid: Well that fucking hurt."

"@wordsweneversaid: If you were trying to make me feel as if I'm nothing, then congratulations. You succeeded."

"@wordsweneversaid: Sometimes I wish I was dead, maybe then my family would actually take notice lol"

I quickly lock my phone and wipe the tears that practically burn my skin. I'm sure my face is all red and even more disgusting now but who even cares? All I want is to get home and lock myself in my room to deal with this in peace.

Demi's POV

"Hey dad, where's mom and the girls?" I ask while dumping my suitcase in the hallway before running into my dad's arms for one of his signature hugs.

"I missed you too, kiddo" he laughs while squeezing me tightly against his chest, "and they should be home any minute. They were at the set of Bad Teacher today to film another episode"

"Oh yeah, I forgot that Brianna's in that too" I sigh, instantly feeling guilty for not congratulating her as well.

As if they knew we were speaking about them, the front door swings open and I'm almost instantly attacked by Madison.

"Demi!! I missed you so much" she yells with happiness, clinging on to me for dear life.

"I missed you too baby girl, how was today?"

I can't fight the smile that makes its way across my face. I am so insanely proud of Madison and how far she's come since that little girl on Desperate Housewives. And she's absolutely stunning as well.

"Demi? Demi are you even listening to me?" Madison exhales, pretending to be a diva.

"I'm sorry baby girl, I just can't get over how grown up you are now. You're so beautiful" I reply, pulling her in for another hug and smothering her in kisses.

"Ugh Demi stop, you're embarrassing me" she giggles, trying to break free from my hold.

We're quickly broken apart by the sound of a bedroom door slamming upstairs, causing us to jump.


Brianna's POV

"Hey Brianna how are you?" "Oh I'm terrible Demi but thank you for taking the time away from Madison to ask me"

I hate this. I hate this family. I hate everything about my life.

Why does Madison get showered with affection whenever Demi comes home while I get ignored? It isn't fair. All I want is to feel wanted and loved by this fucking family and instead I have to stand there and watch my older sister beam with pride over my little sister.

"@wordsweneversaid: Sometimes I wonder how long it would take for someone to find me.."

So many thoughts are swarming around my head right now. I want to hurt myself until I can't feel the ache in my chest. I want to drown my problems in vodka until I sink. I want to leave.

*trigger warning*

My feet automatically walk me into the bathroom where my blade lies, ready to make its mark. I don't even have control over my actions anymore. It's as if my brain goes into auto pilot mode or something and before I know it, I have ten new marks engraved into my wrist.

I'm about to add more when my phone screen lights up on the floor, catching my attention.

"@lovatorable: @wordsweneversaid Anna please don't do anything stupid, I care about you. You're my best friend, remember?"

I quickly drop the blade that I've been grasping hold of beneath my trembling fingertips after reading my best friend's words. I promised her I wouldn't do this again.

Her name is Ronja and she was my first friend on twitter. From day one she promised to always be there for me and I'm happy to say she's stuck by that promise. We talk on facetime audio all the time and she knows everything about me. Well, almost everything. She always tells me that she can't wait to meet me one day and it kills me because I know it's never going to happen. I can't exactly meet up with her and be like "hey so I'm really Demi's sister and basically lied about my identity to you, but lets go hang out!". She's never seen a picture of me since Demi's fanbase do know of my existence, unlike my family most days. We've got into a few arguments about how I never facetime on camera to her, but I always have some excuse or say I'm too insecure; which is kind of true.

Opening up twitter dms, I click on my most recent conversation with Ronja before sending a message.

"@wordsweneversaid: Don't worry, I'm okay. I slipped up though, I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me. Everything just got too much."

While waiting for her to reply, a new notification pops up in my mentions, followed by another.

"@twoworldscolliding: @wordsweneversaid: Stay Strong sweetheart, I'm here for you.."

"@twoworldscolliding is now following you!"

I quickly follow back the account and reply with a simple thank you before I can feel my head start to spin.

Looking down at my wrist, I gasp at the sight below me.

"Oh God. Too deep, too deep" I panic while grabbing the nearest towel and pressing it down on my arm, wincing at the contact.

I was too busy focusing on my phone to even bother to attend to my mess after creating it. Why can't I do anything right?

After the light headed feeling passes, I bandage up my wounds and climb into bed. I don't care if it's only 2pm, this day can go to hell.

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