Chapter seven

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    At our school, the senior's graduation trip has been long known for being the best trip students can ever experience at this school. It's also the only overnight trip in our school. So many students looked forward to this trip the most.

    "I don't think I'll be able to go..."I said, "There's something I haven't told you guys yet... I'll be joining an idol survival show." I paused for a second just to see the shocked expressions on their faces.

    "The filming will start on 4/14 just two days before the trip. And starting then I won't be able to come back for a while after that for shooting. So I won't be able to go on the trip. And next week will be my last week at this school. I'm sorry I didn't tell you this sooner, I couldn't bring myself to tell you guys..."

    Hae-Won smiled widely, "Congrats! Even though you can't come on the trip, you finally have your chance to debut!"

    Hyun-Jung pulls out a paper and hands me a pen, "Since I know you're gonna debut already, give me your signature."

    "I don't even have a signature yet..." I laugh, "...I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys earlier"

    "Don't worry about it, you're just chasing after your dream, and we're glad that you are one step closer now" Hae-Won says while smiling at me.

    "Yeah, let's spend the last weeks of your high school life in the best way possible!" Hyun-Jung added.

    I don't deserve this. I have such great and supportive friends.

    "Jae-Hyun already knew about this, right? It must've been hard for him to keep this a secret from us." Hyun-Jung said giggling.

bbgI paused and I looked down at my desk.
"No... Jieun... Don't tell me-" Hae-Won looked even more shocked than earlier.

"Yeah, I didn't tell him yet, I know.." I said.

"Jieun..." Hyun-Jung says, "you need to tell him soon, he should've been the first person you told..."

"I know, I know... Just why am I so stupid?" I curse at myself. "I'll tell him soon... I mean what's the worst that could go wrong?"

{a few days later, at night}

    As I sit on my bed, I pull out my phone and start dialing a number.


    "Hey, Jae-Hyun?"

    "Jieun? What's up?"

    "Can we meet up right now, at the swings on the hill?"

    "Right now? ...Okay I'll meet you at twenty."

    "Alright, see you."

    I hang up the phone and get ready to head out.

{at the swings on the hill}

    I was the first to arrive. I sat on the swings staring at the city view while waiting for Jae-Hyun. He arrived shortly after I did.



    "What is it you called me for?"

    "... I'm joining an idol survival show"


    "The shooting starts on 4/14 just two days before the trip, and starting then, I won't be able to go home for a while. I'll have to quit school at the end of next week as well..."

    "You're leaving so soon? Why didn't you tell me earlier...?"

     I turned to look at Jae-Hyun, his eyes showed that he was deeply hurt.  It's very obvious that he's upset but he doesn't speak a word. Ever since we were kids, whenever something important happens, Jae-Hyun is always the first person I talk to and that's how it's always been.

    Jae-Hyun is my best friend, and also my boyfriend now. But I broke his heart by deciding to join an idol survival show without at least telling him first, just what a terrible human being I am.

    "Can you not go? I know it's selfish of me to hold you back but I don't want to leave you just yet..." he begged.

    "Jae-Hyun, you know it's my dream," I looked him in the eye, "I've been training for the past three years for this opportunity. I don't want to miss this chance."

"Please... don't go... who knows if I might never see you again-"
My kiss interrupted him. We kissed for so long. Throughout the kiss, some of my tears dripped on his face and so did his drip on my face.

"I'm sorry... and I love you" Those were my last words to him. I got up and walked away. He didn't say another word, chase me, or attempt to stop me.

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