part 2

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Then your brother walk into your room

Y/n:yes Gabriel
Alex: Gabriel the triplet are here
Gabriel:hey boys
Matt:hey guys
Y/n:what do you want
Gabriel:oh we are leaving we going to the mall

You hug them and they left . Your really close with your brother

Chris:we should leave in a house together
Y/n:yeah we should
Nick:that mean we are all paying rent
Matt:we know nick
Nick:just say
Y/n:I have to tell my parents
Chris:we do too

You guys talk and stuff

Y/n:you guys want to watch a movie
Chris:let's watch Spiderman
Matt:y/n do you have blankets
Y/n:yeah let me go get some

You go get blankets and you guys want the movie in the middle of the movie you and Matt where cuddling. After the movie you four went downstairs and now your mother cooking dinner

Y/n:what are you cooking
Your mom:pasta
Your mom:boys would you like to stay for dinner
Nick:I well
Matt:I guess I well stay over

You look at matt and Matt look at you and just smile

Matt pov
I got butterflies when me and y/n where cuddling during the movie I was blushing and when she was look at me when we went downstairs I was blushing too. I could help but to look at her she so so pretty and really kind and sweet and also funny

Chris:Matt are you okay
Matt:just thing about something
Nick:what are you thinking about
Chris:*whisper* y/n

They look at him and smile at him then the took me to a different room so y/n can hear us

Chris:toy should ask her to hangout with you tomorrow
Matt:what if she said no
Nick:she won't I'm her bestie
Matt:okay I well
Chris:that my brother
Nick:yeah it is

We laugh went to the kitchen

Y/n pov
I was help my mom set up the table when the boys came back

Your mom:boys dinner ready
Chris:thanks mis,l/n
Your mom:your welcome Chris also y/n can you go get your brother

You went to go get your brother and all of you guys ate dinner . After you guys eat you walk the boys to there car

Y/n:bye guys
Nick:bye oh Matt has something to ask you
Y/n:what is it
Matt:want to hangout with me tomorrow around 12
Y/n:I well love too
Matt: Really
Matt:okay see you tomorrow
Y/n:see you tomorrow

I walk into with a smile on my face the Gabriel and Alex my brothers walk up to me

Gabriel:why are you smiling
Y/n:I'm hanging out with Matt tomorrow
Alex:that amazing finally but if he brings your heart I well hurt him.
Y/n:I won't
Y/n:good night boys
Alex:good night

You go to your room and get ready for bed and watch a movie for a little bit then went to bed 

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