2 months You and Matt are relationship is done dong good but Chris and Matt broke up because they couldn't do the long distance
You woke up and went downstairs and sow the boys in the living room on there phones
Y/n:hey boys Nick:hi y/n Chris:hey Matt:hey princess Y/n:you guys want to get ready and go to a cafe I can pay Nick:sure Chris:yeah Matt:okay
You guys go get ready
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Your outfit
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Boys outfit
You went downstairs and all of you went to the cafe and and ordered. And got your stuff and sit
Nick:how long have you and matt have a been dating Y/n:2 months Nick:wow Y/n:yeah Chris:what are you guys talking about Nick:I ask how long have her and matt have been dating Matt:2 months Chris: y'all been dating for 2 months Y/n:yeah Chris:wow Matt:I know
You guys just talked and stuff then went to the car
Y/n:where do you guys want to go know Nick:let's go to the Beach Chris:sure Matt:okay Y/n:yeah
You guys go to the beach and just go find a place and sit down and watch the sunrise and talk. After the be beach you go home and lay on the couch
Chris:you tired Y/n:no Nick:let's watch a movie Matt:sure Y/n:let's watch five feet apart Nick:yeah Chris:okay