Next day You wake up to the boys not there and you sow a not on the side table
Hi y/n It's the triple and we went to our meeting and stuff so you can go hangout with madi if you want or you can stay her and what for us The sturniolo triplets
I got up and get ready for the day
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Your outfit
You text madi and she was on her way to get you and stuff and you just wait and when she got there she text you and you went to down stairs and get in her car
Madi:hey y/n Y/n:hi madi Madi:want to go get starbuck Y/n:yeah Madi:okay
You guys go get Starbucks and went to the mall and just walk around and stuff then you get a text from a random number
????:hi beautiful Y/n:who is this ????:wow forgot about me Y/n:who are you ????:Zayn
Zayn was you ex boyfriend who cheated on you with you ex best friend. You told Madi and she just look at your phone will you text him
Y/n:what do you want Zayn Zayn:I want you beautiful Y/n:I have a boyfriend Zayn:I don't care I know where you are at Y/n:Zayn leave me alone Zayn:if you say so
You stop texting him and just look at Madi
Madi:you need to tell Matt about this Y/n:I know when he get back from I his meeting Madi:okay let's go home Y/n:okay
You guys go home and just talk then there was a knock on the door and madi went and open in and Matt come and hug you
Y/n:hi handsome Matt:baby I miss you so much Y/n:I miss you more Nick:calm down Matt:shut up
You guys sit down
Madi:y/n tell Matt what happened Matt:y/n are you okay Y/n:um so Zayn my ex boyfriend text me today he know where I am Chris:how did he get your number Y/n:I don't I blocked him
You should them the text messages and just talk about it and stuff you were scared