Next day You wake up and went downstairs and sow your mom making breakfast
Y/n:good morning mom Your mom:good morning y/n Y/n:what are you making Your mom: pancakes Y/n:yeah Your mom:what are you doing today Y/n:I'm hanging out with Matt today Your mom:oh okay
You guys talk until breakfast is ready and you mom told you to get your brother
Y/n: Gabriel and Alex breakfast is ready Gabriel:okay Alex:what did mom make Y/n: pancakes and bacon Alex:coming Gabriel: PANCAKES!!!
You guys run will laughing to the table and sit
Your mom:calm down you three Y/n:sorry mom Your mom:okay Gabriel:where dad Your mom:work Gabriel:okay Alex:let's eat Y/n:okay
You guys eat breakfast after breakfast you went to go get ready
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Your outfit
You did light makeup and put your hair and a bun and wait for Matt to come and get you and nick facetime you
Nick:hi y/n Y/n:hey nick Nick:so are you ready Y/n:yeah Nick:Matt is on his way Y/n:okay Nick:are you excited Y/n:yeah
Then you get a next from Matt that he is here
Y/n:I have to go your brother here Nick:okay good luck Y/n:okay talk to you later Nick:call me later and tell me everything Y/n:I well
You hang up on Nick and go to Matt car and get in
Y/n:hey matt Matt:hi y/n Y/n:what do you have planned for today Matt:first we can go to a cafe and get coffee and talk and go to the beach then later go to a carnival and after we will go get dinner Y/n:okay Matt:let's go get coffee Y/n:okay
You go to a coffee and you guys talk
Matt: you look pretty y/n Y/n:thanks Matt you look handsome Matt:thanks y/n Y/n:no problem also nick call me earlier when you text me that you where here Matt: really Y/n:yeah Matt:than what who he was talking to Y/n:yeah