Next day You wake up and sow that matt sleep on your stomach and just smile and start playing with his hair
Matt:good morning buds Y/n:did I wake you up Matt:no Y/n:okay
You guys get up and went to the kitchen and sow Chris and nick Cooking
Y/n:what are you guys making Chris: omelettes Matt:sounds good Nick:I know we are almost done Y/n:okay
You go sit down in the living room and watch TV until breakfast is ready
Nick:y/n breakfast is ready Y/n: coming Chris:here you go Y/n:thanks Chris
He hand you your plate and go sit next to Matt and you guy eat. After you guys eat you, you guys go get ready
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Boys outfit
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Your outfit
You went downstairs and sow them on there phone
Y/n:so what today plans Nick:I don't know Y/n:car video Matt:yeah Chris:okay
You guys go to the car and find and empty parking lot and start the vlog
You did this vlog and you madi in the video. After filming you four went to Gabriel and Alex house (they move into a house together) and visit them. You walk inside cuz you have a key to there house (that how close you are to your brothers)
Y/n: Gabriel!! Alex!! Gabriel:hi y/n and boys Matt:hey Chris:hi Nick:hello
You hug him and went to the living room
Y/n:where is Alex Gabriel:he is with his girlfriend Y/n:oh Gabriel:so what brought you guys here Chris:we where bored Gabriel:want to go go-kart Y/n:omg yes Matt:sure Chris:yeah Nick:okay Gabriel:let's go then
You guys get into the van and go the place and when you guys got there you got your ticket to go go-kart and wait in the line
Y/n:I haven't done this in forever Gabriel:same Y/n:Alex should of been here Gabriel:yeah Matt:you guys done this before Y/n:our dad well take us all the time
Then it was you guys turn and get into a go-kart and rase each other and you came first,then chris,after is nick and Gabriel and last is Matt
Y/n:that was fun Gabriel:yeah Nick:let's play putt-putt galf Chris: okay Gabriel:okay
You guys go play putt-putt galf and went back to Gabriel house and Alex was there
Alex:hey guys Y/n:hey Alex Gabriel:hi Boys:hello Alex:where did you guys go Nick: go-karting Alex: without me Y/n:you where with your girlfriend Alex:oh yeah