Two days later You got woke up by the boys jumping on your bed
Y/n:I'm up Chris:no go get ready we are already ready and nick is packing you Y/n:okay
You go get ready
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You outfit
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Boys outfit
You go back into the room and the boys where talk
Y/n:hey Nick:okay are you ready to go Y/n:where Matt Chris:oh Matt um he downstairs to Y/n:okay Nick:lets go
You go downstairs and sow Matt
Matt:good morning princess Y/n:good morning handsome Nick:okay let's go Madi here Y/n:okay Chris:yeah
You go get into Madi car and went to the airport and said bye to madi
Madi:y/n call me if you need me Y/n:thanks madi Madi:going to miss you Y/n:I'm going to miss you too
You hug her one more time and got through security and waiting
Y/n:I'm going miss Madi Chris:you can call her Y/n:you can be talking your dating her Chris:yeah Nick:calm down Y/n:okay
You look at matt who look really sleepy
Y/n:baby come here switch sets with Nick Matt:okay
Nick and him switched sets
Y/n:baby are you okay Matt:I could sleep last night Y/n:what wrong Matt:I don't want to talk about right know Y/n:I'm also here for you buds Matt:I know
You kiss him and just hold his hand that made him smile
Y/n:I love you so much buds Matt:I love you more Nick:guys are plane is here Chris:okay Matt:coming
You guys get on the play you in Matt set together and Chris and nick sit right behind you guys
Matt:can I sleep on your shoulder Y/n:yeah baby Matt:thanks buds Y/n:no problem