Next day It's 2am you woke up really early and woke up the boys and you guys get ready
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Your outfit
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Boys outfit
You got your bag and went downstairs
Y/n:hey boys Nick:hi Chris:hello Matt:hi princess Y/n:hey handsome
You kiss him and hug him
Chris:are you guys ready to go Nick:yeah Matt:yes Y/n:yes I am
You get you bag and go to the car you sit in the front with Matt and Chris sit in the back with nick. Went you guys got there you got your back and went there security
Y/n:I'm so excited to see her Nick:yeah Chris:so when we get there our manger is going to get us Y/n:okay Matt:baby can you hold my hand Y/n:you don't have to ask Matt:okay
He hold you hand then you play had been called so you got on your play and sit with matt and nick. Chris sit right behind you guys
Matt:la here we come Y/n:yeah Nick:I love la Y/n:I never need Nick:this well be your first time then Y/n:yeah
You guys talk the whole flight there Matt and Chris sleep half way to la
3 hours later You got to la you woke up Matt and nick woke up Chris and got off the plane and get your stuff and meet up with the boys manger
Manger:hey boys Matt:hi Nick:hey Chris:hello Manger:so this must be your girlfriend Matt Matt:yeah
You guys hold hands and you look at him smile
Manger:so I got you guys a room and a hotel Chris:okay Manger:come
You get into the car and went to the hotel and get to your room. You guys got one room
Nick:me and Chris are get a bed and you and Matt are getting the other one Y/n:okay Chris:let's go to madi house Matt:okay Y/n:let's go I want to go see her Nick:ok
You guys go to madi house and you where right behind them so she won't see you they knock on the door and madi open it
Madi:hey boys Matt:hi Chris:hello Nick:can we come in Madi:yeah come in
They walk in and when she sow you she got excited and hug you and you hug her back
Madi:omg y/n Y/n:madi Madi:yeah did they invite you Y/n:yeah we want to surprise you Madi:I love this surprise
You walk in and go sit next to Matt
Madi:so are you and matt dating Y/n:yeah Madi:you guys are so cute Matt:thanks Y/n:thanks Madi:no problem Nick:so how are you what are you three doing tomorrow Chris:we have to go to a meeting for our merch Madi:ok y/n want to hangout tomorrow Y/n:sure why not Madi:okay