After a while we went home and nick went to go edit the video and Chris and Matt played video games you where just in your room watch YouTube. Then Matt come into your room
Y/n:yes Matty
Matt:come hangout with me
Matt: because baby I want you too
Y/n:okayYou go to his room and sow Chris and nick there you go sit on his bed and talk to nick will Matt and Chris are playing video games
Nick:I'm going to take your girl Matt
Matt:no you are not
Matt:Becouse she is mine
Nick:no she is mine
Chris:stop fighting about y/n
Nick:okayYou and Nico laugh and stuff
Hours later
You where in the kitchen making cookies and when the boys came inY/n:hey boys
Chris:your making cookies
Nick:what kind
Y/n: chocolate chip cookies
Matt:our favorite cookie
Y/n:I know
Nick:so are they done
Y/n:yes but there hotWhen you put the cookies on the plates
And they all grabbed oneY/n:there hot Guys
Chris:well yeah I like when the Cookies are hot
Y/n:if you say so
Nick:okayYou laugh and grab a cookie and ate it. Then it start raining
Y/n:we should dance in the rain
Chris:like old time
Y/n:yeah come on Matty
Nick:yeahYou guys listen to music and dance and play In The rain
After dancing in the rain you went inside and change into something else and hang out with the boys
Y/n:what should we watch tonight
Nick:let's watch outer banks
Matt:I heard it good
Nick:I know
Y/n:okayYou guys watch outer banks season 1 and season 2 after you guys watch the show you make dinner. You made chicken nuggets for everyone
Y/n:boys I made chicken nuggets for us
Y/n:here you guys plates
Chris:thanks y/n
Matt:thanks buds
Y/n:no problemYou hand then there plates and you guys eat after you went to put your pajamas on and went to bed with Matt in his room

Friends To Dating (Matt sturniolo)
Fanfictionyou where best friends with the sturniolo triplets and four do everything together until you fell in love with one of them