Next day You woke up to Matt not there so you went downstairs and sow him not there either so you text
Matty❤️ Y/n:baby where are you Matt:I'm get Starbucks with Chris,nick is with you Y/n:ok love you Matt:I love you too
You go to Nick room and sow him up
Y/n:what are you doing Nick:I don't know that this point Y/n:Matt and Chris went to get Starbucks Nick: okay Y/n:want to go to the living room Nick:yeah
You go downstairs and sow Chris and Matt in the kitchen
Nick:you guys went in pajamas Matt:yeah Nick:okay Chris:you two have a problem with it Y/n:I did say nothing Chris:okay
Matt come and hands you your drink and kiss your cheek
Y/n: thanks Matty Matt:no problem Chris:how about me Y/n:thanks Chris Chris:your welcome
You laugh and just look at matt then went to go get ready
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Your outfit
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Boys outfit
You go downstairs and sow all the boys watch TV
Y/n:you guys want to go somewhere Nick:where Y/n:I don't know Chris:um we can go to the arcade Matt:yeah Y/n:okay
You go to the arcade and get tickets and go play some games and had fun
1 hour later After guys go home
Y/n: I'm going to take a nap Matt:okay buds Nick:sleep tight Y/n:okay
Matt kiss and hug you and you went to your room and went to sleep
Matt pov I was talk to Chris and nick when they brought up la
Chris:Matt have you told y/n about us going to la Matt:no Nick:that going to be hard on him cuz he really clingy to her Chris:I know Matt:can we bring her to la Nick:I don't know if we can Chris:I can ask Matt:okay
Chris went to ask and he came back
Matt:so what did they say Chris:you can bring her to la Matt:yeah Nick:okay
We talk about random stuff. I was happy that y/n can come to la with us.