Chapter 6 : Understandings

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Ava's POV

"Do I have to?" I whined to Trov, I looked at him as we walked into the deeper forest in the hot afternoon.

Trov sighed and said,"You don't but it's just a suggestion, but it would be good for you to bond with the pack."

I smiled and went close to him and whispered,"Because I am Ethan's mate?"

He jumped back and yelped,"You knew!?!"

I did a summersault, gliding above him as we walked,"Well he did tell me."

He looked up at me saying,"That's a suprise. So? What do you think?"

I giggled and said,"Well, honestly I wouldn't mind. But I'll think about it after I save my people. I still need to think of a good plan for that."

"I hope you do save your people. Honest. And I am so sorry that we can't doing anything."

I looked down at him and said,"It's fine. I just need to find some people I know to help."

Trov gave a smile smile and stopped and said,"Okay we're here."

I flew down and landed next to Trov and retraced my wings, we we are a small camp of about 30 people. Their were all busy with cleaning weapons, putting wood in the fire and things like that. Some people looked at me, but Trov glared at them and they looked away. We walked into the biggest tent where a girl was siting on a wooden desk reading a book.

It was Snow, she had her hair tied up in a ponytail and had a long-sleeved black shirt, with camo sweat pants. She had a spear on her back and a knife on her belt with various other survival tools. The weapons looked to be made of... What was it called Celestial Bronze? But don't only demigods use-

She noticed us and put down the book and said,"Hi!!"

Trov rolled his eyes and said,"Your really reading a book now? Don't you have to pull in a lot of meat and herbs after your little vacation?"

Snow huffed,"Your as grumpy as ever."

"Only becuase your so-"He stopped himself and said,"Ok I just came to dropped off Ava, so I am going to go."

I said to Snow,"He's a real jerk." 

"I know right?"Snow laughed. Trov frowned and waved bye, I waved back and he left.

Snow seems to like assertive types I noticed. Snow came up to me and put her arms around my shoulder but had to tippy toe. She said,"Hey Ava, so your going to join the hunting patrol? You know since I am the leader of it, I can give you more food."

I took her arms off me and said,"No thanks and yeah, for the time being. I need to find something to do anyway."

"Okay,"She smiled.

 She led me out and made the rest of the wolves gather around and stop what they are doing. She said loudly,"This is Ava an Avain."

People began to whisper and murmur, she shut them up with a wave of her hand. She said,"She well be joining us on our hunts so treat her as one of us okay? Also we're starting in five."

A person from the crowed raised their hand and said,"With all due respect, we need to trust each other with our lives here. How can we know she will do that?"

Snow was clearly annoyed,"Think of this as a team building exercise okay? And next time you ask a question your getting punched." 

Their was a bunch of ooohs from the crowed and his cheeks flushed.  She said,"Hurry up people four minutes!"

The crowd disbursted and started to gear up. Some shifted into wolves and some got backpacks, it looked like they were preparing for war.

I wispered to Snow,"What the hell are we killing?"

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