Chapter 12 : The Battle

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Ava's Pov

Ethan yelled,"Kill all the wolves and humans!!"

Everyone shouted and charged, Ronald and the man with the battle axe yelled,"Charge!!!"

Snow looked in front of the slave traders and yelled,"Freeze!!"

They all froze as wolves cut them down. It became a flash of fighting, a whole warzone of people were fighting for their lives. I flew up with my wings and drew my bow and took a deep breath and shot arrow after arrow. I killed as many as I could before I ran out of arrows, and switched to my staff and started to hit people in the head as I flew around. 

I saw Ethan taking out some sort of black stone with glowing lava cracks out of a suit case. He made it spin really fast as a blur and killed everyone in front of him. I flew to Todd who was losing the fight against the leader, the leader seemed to have some sort of lighting power that made it hard to hit him.

The man twirled his axe and brought down to make a shock wave blasting everyone back. I flew towards him and hit his arm and flew away. He growled and threw lighting with his axe but I dodged it, Todd then charged in from behind and brought his sword down but he repelled it with lighting. Then metal came out of the ground to hold him in place, but his lighting was heating it up melting it.

Ethan came in and said,"Go!! Snow needs help, me and sword boy will handle this." 

Todd exclaimed,"I'm 14 !!"

I nodded and flew across the battle field, it looked pretty even which gave me hope. Snow was bruised and blood was covering her, she said,"Stop."

Ronald only froze for a few seconds as she catch her breath. He was about to punch her again but I landed and blocked it. He ripped my staff out of my hands and broke into two and threw it away.

He was ecstatic,"Oh your alive!! Good for you!! I was getting bored."

I set her on the ground a few feet away and growled at him, I only had one working leg which limits my mobility. I pulled in my wings and put up my fists, ready to battle, he took off his coat and shirt, there was a tattoo on his chest of two bloody moons and two swords crossing. He cracked his knuckles and lunged at me but stopped himself and backed away as two knives flew at him. He took out a dagger and deflected them as they returned to their owner.

Klyrax said,"Let's beat him up."

I smirked and said,"Oh hell yeah."

He tossed me two knives and I grabbed them and we both ran full speed at Ronald. We both hacked and stabbed with speed. We became blurs, I had so much adrenaline pumping that I couldn't feel my broken leg. Ronald dodged our attacks but he was on defense as we hit him, nothing giving him a chance to move.

As I tried to stabb him from the head and Klyrax tried to stabb him from bellow, he pulled a twirl and deflected it with his dagger. He did a bolt to Klyrax, I tried to stop him but I was two slow and he stabbed him in the stomach. 

Klyrax pulled back and I lunged at Ronald slashing his arm in the process. I started to breath heavier, the pain is coming back. I nodded at Klyrax and I threw both of my knives at Ronald, he barely dodged it and Klyrax kept making them attack him as he ran to him and started to punch him. Klyrax then threw a knife and I caught it and I threw it at him, Ronald deflected it and tried to slash at me. I grabbed a floating knife and step side and drove it into his stomach, as Klyrax did the same from behind.

Ronald gasped and looked down and laughed. He fell to the ground and stopped breathing. 

I immediately rushed to Klyrax and said,"Are you ok?"

He ripped off a piece of his shirt and wrapped up the wound,"Yeah I'll live."

I then ran to Snow who was barely awake, she said in a ragged voice,"Sorry I wasn't that useful."

"No, you were really helpful, honest. I need to go help the others hang on ok?" I said and she nodded. Klyrax sat down besides her and said,"Sorry I think my lungs my explode if I fight again."

I flew up into the air and checked the battle, I saw the axe man fall to the ground. He hands were on his shoulder wound but he put is arm up to signal defeat. The mercenaries began to stop fighting and surrendered.  Our pack left those ones live but the slave traders, our wolves made quick work of them. Everything began to settle down. 

I saw both Todd and Ethan sighed in relief and started laughing together. The axe man began talking with them and they all seemed like old friends.


I heard rumbling, the ground in front of us began to crumble and glowing eyes began to appear and then a head and then a body of stone. A Earth Golem the size of a four story building appeared. Everyone was injured and tired at this point but still got up, I got my broken staff ready for a fight.

The area began to darken, shadows appeared everywhere as long swirls and like waves. The shadows avoided everyone though. They swallowed up the the golem and it began to crumble and then it was just a pile of rubble.

A person materialize on top of the rubble, it was the same mask girl as before. She looked completely unharmed through this whole battle. She waved her hand like a little girl and said,"Yo!"

I landed next to Ethan and chuckled,"Where did you get this girl?"

Ethan gave a nervous laugh back,"You don't want to know."

We both looked at each other and our eyes sparkled. Todd in the background said,"Ew!! Go get a room!!"

I flipped him off and I hand my hands on my head as I looked up in the sky, what to do now?

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