Chapter XXII: Day Four Pt 5

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Brena Willard sat at Dinner watching as James and Sirius raced on who could finish their food first

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Brena Willard sat at Dinner watching as James and Sirius raced on who could finish their food first. The game today causing their crazy to come out even more. Brena sat next to Remus, watching them devour the buffet of food in front of them. Peter was sitting next to Remus, his eyes moving all around the place. But his eyes stopped on Brena in confusion.

Peter Pettigrew didn't feel like he was friends with Brena Willard. He never made polite conversation, nor did he sit next to her in any classes. But Peter was observant. He noticed the things that others didn't or over looked. And one thing he had been noticing was how little the Hufflepuff ate.

"Why do you do that?" Peter voiced his question out loud. James and Sirius stopped their eating race, looking to one of their best mates in confusion. Then the three, Remus included, looked to Brena who was still pushing her food around. Which wasn't even a whole lot of food.

Feeling the eyes of all of them on her, Brena glanced up slowly. Her eyes flickering from James and Sirius to Remus and Peter. All of which were waiting for her to speak.

"I'm sorry- what?" She questioned, clearly having been zoned out.

"Why don't you eat much?" Peter reworded. He felt the awkwardness to his question, feeling like he was stepping over the line. "I mean- I just noticed you don't eat much of any-anything at meal times-"

"I noticed that too." Remus agreed. Sirius and James nodded with full mouths. Brena paled slightly, glancing between all of the boys staring at her.

"I-uh I just have a small appetite." Brena mumbled. Peter stared at her, eyebrows furrowed. She was keeping something secret. When he couldn't judge, his secrets would never fit in a room if solidified.

"You should eat more, little Raven." Sirius told her after he had swallowed his food. "Need to build up your stamina." He winked flirtatiously. Brena rolled her eyes at him, shaking her head quietly.

"He- although annoying- is right, Bren." Remus told her. A look of concern in his eyes. He had an idea why her appetite was so small since he knew her story more. But he knew better than to voice that concern out loud.

"I'll be fine." Brena assured as she smiled at her friend. Sirius huffed, not liking he wasn't getting her attention at the moment, until a smirk stretched along his lips.

"Hey, sweetheart." Sirius started, causing Brena to drag her eyes to the flirty look he was sending her way. His chin in his hand as he leaned on the table. "How about a kiss for good luck? I could probably fit a quick snog in the cupboard if you're up for it." He winked. This time, James whacked Sirius on the back of his head. "Ow!"

"That was a bit much, even for me." James told him. Sirius huffed in annoyance, rubbing his head.

"Only because you're jealous she hasn't kissed you!!"

"You guys kissed!?!?" James exclaimed, standing up abruptly from the table, nearly following over. Brena ran her hand over her face, wishing for this nightmare to be over. Thankfully, someone answered. A throat being cleared from behind her caused her to turn in her spot. Regulus blankly staring down at her.

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