Chapter LXX: Train Antics

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A few days went by with odd behavior from the group

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A few days went by with odd behavior from the group. Brena felt like they were all keeping something from her. Not that she minded. She knew they were planning to make a new plan. And it was probably best if she wasn't in on it. Not to mention she figured she would learn it eventually from James. Boy wonder had a loud mouth.

The day came where the group had to return back to Hogwarts, or Hogsmeade. Packing up what they needed, the group boarded the train with James sitting right next to Brena with a grin that told that he was up to something. But Brena didn't pay it any mind. She would know sooner or later what the Potter boy was up to.

Brena pulled out her book on Divination, leaning into James' side as she got comfortable and started to read. James moved a bit, wrapping his arm around her waist as she used him as a pillow. Her feet being lifted onto Sirius' lap.

"Why do you read Divination books? Don't you already have visions?" James questioned as he peeked at the page she was reading. It was going on about reaching for things and becoming more open- A bunch of gibberish in his mind.

"There has to be a way to push past blocks." Brena mumbled to him with a slight shrug.

"You think someone is blocking you from Phineas?" Remus asked with a tilt of his head.

"If he is alive-" Brena went quiet. James hugging her to his side before pressing a kiss to her head.

"We'll find him, Bren." James murmured into her scalp. Brena sighed, nodding.

Half way through the train ride, the boys were goofing off, talking about plans for after graduation and then proceeding to pick on Regulus for being the youngest- aside from Brena

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Half way through the train ride, the boys were goofing off, talking about plans for after graduation and then proceeding to pick on Regulus for being the youngest- aside from Brena. With a quiet sigh, Brena closed her book and removed her feet from Sirius' lap and pulled out of James' hold to stand up.

"Going somewhere, love?" Sirius asked with a curious look.

"Just going to track down the tolley. Want anything?" Brena asked as she looked to the guys. James jumped up next to her.

"I'll go with you." Brena looked over at him oddly only for him to shrug. "So many possible deatheaters on the train- don't want you to be caught alone."

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