Chapter LXXII: Bluub Blob Blegh

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March came along at a fast pace and that was when Brena developed a belly

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March came along at a fast pace and that was when Brena developed a belly. Five months pregnant and she now looked as if she had swallowed a whole cantaloupe and James Potter was loving it.

Currently in Brena's room, James laid between her legs with his face pressing into her bare stomach, pressing kisses to it and making some odd noises that Brena didn't understand.

"Blub bloob  blu blugh." James chanted into her skin causing her to laugh at him before sitting up slightly on her elbows.

"What the hell are you doing?" She questioned with a small smile. James snapped his head up, moving his hands to cover the sides of her belly.

"No cursing!! Little Raven can hear you." James scolded as he placed another kiss to her stomach. Brena let out a small laugh, shaking her head.

"So sorry. Now why are you making those weird sounds?" James blushed slightly, adjusting his glasses on his nose.

"Well the baby is in a sack of...amniotic fluid.." He trailed off with furrowed brows, making sure he was right before continuing. "I just- I was talking fish to it.." The snort that escaped Brena's throat was the most unladylike sound that she had ever made as James buried his face against her stomach as he heard himself say that out loud.

"You know the liquid around the baby...but you also think it speaks fish?" Brena clarified as she pressed her lips together to stop from laughing.

"I'm teaching our baby. Don't be mean to me." James whined as he nuzzled his nose against her belly. "Babies retain more information than teens or adults do." Brena smiled at him.

"Our baby?" She repeated questioningly. James lifted his head back up with a grin that sent butterflies fluttering through her.

"Well yeah. Reggie may be the donor, but this kid?" He rubbed his hands over the cantaloupe shaped belly. "Is all of ours. The baby Marauder. They will hold the traits of all the Hogwart houses. Smart like your ancestors. Brave like Sirius and I. Hardworking like you and....have nice hair like Reggie." Brena raised an eyebrow at him.

"I'm telling Sirius that you didn't give him credit for the nice hair." She hummed. James laughed, placing his fingers over the sides of her belly before wiggling them carelessly. A gasping laugh left her lips as she sat up more and tried to shove him off of her.

"What was that, love? You're telling Sirius what? I didn't quite catch that." James said with a grin as he moved his fingers further up her sides. Brena kicked out her leg at instinct sending James off of her and onto the floor harshly. "OWWWW!" James shrieked. Brena rolled out of the bed quickly.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry- are you okay??" She asked as she kneeled next to the boy who was covering his junk in pain.

"Yo-you kicked me!" He whined in pain as he rolled around. Brena covered her mouth to muffle the laugh that tried to escape, earning a gasp from the boy on the floor. "Are you Laughing at me?!"

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