Chapter 12: Snowed Inside

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You woke up bright and early to get ready for work.

After feeding Mina you jumped in he shower and upon coming out, you were stunned to see the view outside your window.

It was snow!

Exceptional enough on its own. But it was snow that reached very high up.

You went downstairs (towel and all) and looked at the snow. It reached up to the window sill.

You stepped back, agape.

It looks like there wouldn't be any work today. You hoped the animals would be okay for the day.

You shivered as you pulled on some warm clothes and did your hair.

Just as you finished, your phone rang.

As you looked at the number, you raised a brow in confusion.

It was an unknown number.

Well you weren't dumb. You didn't pick it up.

However your phone rang again, this time to notify you of a text.

It was the unknown number!

"(Y/N), it's Zane." You read.

You chuckled a bit and picked up just as the phone rang again.

"Hello? Zane?"

"(Y/N)! Took you long enough." The man grumbled.

You suppressed a small chuckle and listened.

"Anyways. Powers out on our side of the street. But I have a generator."

You raised a brow and reached over to flick your light switch. Just as he'd said, there was no light. Why had it taken you so long to realize it?

"That's great Zane..." You replied, trying to think of what to do about your own electrical situation.

"In other words, my house still has heat and I was wondering if you wanted to come over and keep warm."

You were a bit surprised at his suggestion but smiled a bit.


He sighed.

"Well not for free of course. You're good at baking and I want some cupcakes so come and bake some and I guess you can stay here since it's warm..Now get over here before I change my mind."

"Heh. One small problem Zane, we're all snowed in and the snow reaches all the way to my window sill."

"I know. I have a ladder. I'll extend it through my window to yours so you can climb over."

You nodded as if he could see you and started formulating a plan.

"Alright. I'll be over to the window nearest to yours in 20 minutes. I need to grab my baking supplies and Mina's portable terrarium." You said.

"Whatever, just hurry up."

You giggled and hung up the phone.

"Alright Mina, we're going on a little field trip."


The plan was a success and you safely set Mina's small terrarium on Zane's window sill before climbing in yourself.

However, as you did, your backpack got stuck on the ladder for a moment and when you tugged to pull it off, it released easily, resulting in your force sending you tumbling into the room.

I Got You (A Garroth Ro'Meave X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now