Chapter 2

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Mike sat with his family at the dinning table. The silence was loud. No body said anything. Mike was looking down at his food not eating. He was still thinking about what his father had said.

"Mike?" He heard someone say. You looked up. It was his mom. "What?" Mike asked annoyed. "Well how about for starters lose that attitude. Now how about you eat your food rather than staring at it." Karen said in a stern voice. Mike rolled his eyes.

He couldn't eat anything right now. "Can I be excused?" Mike asked. "No. You haven't eaten anything. Plus we never have dinner as a family anymore. This is nice." Karen said looking straight at him.

"I'm tired." Mike simply said. Karen sighed. "Fine. But when you get hungry you heat this up." Karen said. "Sure mom." Mike said getting up. Mike went to his room and sat down bored. "Mike?" Someone said. "Hey Nance." Mike said.

"What was that?" She asked coming in. "What was what?" Mike said pretending to not know what she was talking about. "At dinner. You were being rude." Nancy said. "So?" Mike asked. "So? What's up? What did you act like that?" She asked sitting down. "I don't know." Mike said looking down.

They stayed in silence for a moment. "Hey." Nancy put a hand on his shoulder. "You can tell me anything." Nancy said with a reassuring smile. Mike looked back up. "I'm just a little scared I guess." He said. "Of being crowned king?" She asked. "Yea. That's a big responsibility." Mike said. Nancy sighed and smiled at him.

"Yea that is. But I know you'll do great." Nancy said. Mike smiled. "Thanks Nance." Of course. Well I'll be going now." She said. "Where?" Mike asked. "Over to Steve's." Nancy said. "Are things getting serious?" Mike asked. Nancy smiled. "I believe so. I like him. I really do." She said. Mike smiled. He loves seeing his sister happy. After Nancy left the phone rang.

Mike walked over and picked it up. "Hello?" He asked. "Hey Mike!" "El?" "That's me!" "Holy shit! It's been so long. We haven't talked in a couple of months." "Yea. Sorry about that! I've been busy." "Well I'm glad we are talking now!" "Yep! I was wondering if you wanted to come over?" "Sure! Any reason?" "I just need to tell you something." "Okay! Be over soon"

Mike hung up the phone and rushed out while yelling at his mother. He got on a horse a road towards Els house. The breakup was in middle school so of course they stayed friends. They thought it was for the best anyway. He arrived to a small house in the woods. He knew this place all to well. He always came here an him and El would make out in her room. He would spend a lot of time with her. And had little time with his friends Lucas and Dustin.

He walked up to the door and knocked. A tall white male opened. He was Els dad. Well sort of. He adopted her. She didn't have the greatest life before. "Well look it's our future king." He said. "Hello to you to Hopper." Mike smiled. Hopper used to be really strict when Mike came over. He's not like that anymore. Him and El are great friends. Plus ever since El came out as Pansexual they had been more open. Mike was really happy for his friend. She's experiencing new things. And Mike would always be there for her.

Mike stepped the house. It smelled nice. "Els in her room." Hopper said from behind him. Mike nodded and smiled and went to her room. He knocked. "Come in!" El said in her usual cheerful voice. He walked in a looked around. She redid her room. Her walls were painted a light pink. She had posters everywhere of her favorite bands. Even a couple hand drawn. She had a bedside table with a picture of her and Hopper. She had white bedspread. Above her bed she has a Pansexual flag. He smiled.

"Well?" El asked. "What." Mike said snapping back into reality. "You can sit down you know." She said. Mike slowly sat down. "So what did you need to talk about?" He asked. El looked down and blushed. "I met someone." El said looking back up. Mikes jaw dropped. Then he smiled. "Wait seriously!" He said excited for his best friend. "Yep!" She said proudly. "Well? Tell me!" Mike urged. "Her name is Max. She has red fiery hair a light blue eyes. And freckles spread across her face." El said blushing madly.

"Damn." Mike whispered. "I know!" El said practically jumping. "Are you going to ask her out?" Mike asked. Els face dropped a bit. Mike saw and thought he said something wrong. "Well I don't even know if she likes girls. Plus I'm way to nervous. So I was hoping you would be my wingman!" El said like it was the greatest thing to be said. "What. No you need to take courage." He said. "But I can't!" El said flopping down. "Come on! Please!" She said. "Just go for it!" He said. El looked at Mike pleading. "Fine I will tell her to meet you somewhere then you ask her on a date. That's the best I'm helping you. You gotta do some things for yourself you know." Mike said.

"Fine." El rolled her eyes. "Great. I'll see you later!" Mike said getting up. Mike received a small 'bye' from El as he headed out the door.


Words: 933

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