Chapter 30

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Mike laid in his room when he heard a knock. "Come in." He said. "Hey Mike." Ted said. Mike rolled his eyes. "What?" He said harshly. "Don't give me any of your attitude. I found a girl you might like. Come on in." Ted said.

Mike rolled his yes once again. A beautiful girl came in. Mike was stunned by her beauty. She had soft brown hair and brown eyes. She may be beautiful. But Will was better. He was prettier. "Why don't you two chat for a bit?" Ted asked leaving.

The girl sat on the bed and Mike quickly became annoyed. "Hey." The girl said shyly. "Hey?" Mike asked still very much annoyed. "I'm Rachel." She said. "Okay." Mike said.

The girl was confused. "Well aren't we going to go out?" She said. "I don't want to." Mike said. "Well we kinda have to. How else am I supposed to get you to like me?" She asked. "I don't want a girlfriend. Plus you don't like me. You only like the idea of your becoming queen." Mike said. "That's not true! I think your very hot." Rachel said. "There's more to me then just my looks." Mike said. "Oh please. Your a prince. You can't have fun." She said.

Mike got pissed. "OUT!" He yelled. The girl was surprised. "Well I guess you really are a faggot Huh? Your father was right." She said as she left. Mike sighed.

"God! She was so annoying!" Mike said pacing back and forth in Will's room. "She knows?" Will asked. Mike nodded then sighed. "Why don't you or we just tell your father?"
Will asked. "Yeah like that's a great idea." Mike sarcastically laughed. "It might." Will whispered. "Will. I will do it with time. He can't keep keep this up forever." Mike said.

Will nodded. Mike gave him a soft smile and kissed his head. "I promise everything will be alright." Mike reassured. Will nodded and smiled. Suddenly Will's face lit up. "I have and idea! Let's make brownies!" Will said excitedly. Mike laughed at how adorable Will was.

They went to the kitchen. "My mom just bought brownie mix." Will said. Will got out the box. Will preheated the oven for 350. Miek got a bowl hit and Will got the ingredients. Will put the brownie mix poured the brownie mix in slowly. Mike cracked three eggs. Will got butter and put it in the bowl as well. Mike got 1 tablespoon of vanilla. Will got a spoon and started to mix it. Then it got a little harder to mix and his arms were starting to hurt. "You need some help?" Mike asked. "Yea please." Will said. Mike then took over and continued to stir.

Then Will's face lit up again. Will reached for the cabinet and grabbed some chocolate chips. "Double chocolate?" Mike asked while Will was pouring some in. Will nodded. Mike continued to stir.

Then oven went off. It looked about ready. Will got out a glass tray (or whatever you call it). They gently poured it in. Will placed the brownies in the oven. "Yay!" Will said. Mike started a timer for 30 minutes.

The boys sat in the living room watching a movie. "Hey Mike?" Will asked. "Yea love?" Mike asked. "How do you think my mom would react if I got a cat?" Will asked. "Weird question. Let you have a cat?" Mike said unsure.

Then the oven went off. "I'll get it!" Will said going into the kitchen.

Will came back with brownie. Will and Mike were happily eating their brownies.


Weird ending.

Words: 604

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