Chapter 18

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They have finally caught the killer. 10 people have been murdered. Holly could have been 1 of them. But Will helped her. Mike wouldn't stop saying thank you.

Will's birthday was coming up and the party were trying to plan a surprise party. "So?" Lucas asked. "What if Will doesn't want to celebrate his birthday?" Dustin asked. "Trust me. I know what he wants." Mike said. They all nodded.

They were all in Mikes treehouse. They set up streamers and a 'happy birthday' sign. El got the cake. They all got presents.

Mike called Will to come to the treehouse. So Will was waking through the forest. Will made it and went up. Once he was up it was completely dark. "Hello?" He asked a little shaky. The lights turned on. "Surprise!" His friends jumped up and surprised him. Will was shocked. "Woah." He said quietly.

Everyone started to crowd around him and say happy birthday to him. "Thank you all." He said. "Come on!" El said. "We got you presents." Dustin said. "Thank you. But you really didn't have to." Will said. "We wanted to." Mike said putting his arm around Will. Will blushed. Mike did not miss that. Mike smiled.

Everyone hurried to give Will their gifts. El got Will new paint brushes and a sketchbook. Max got Will music. Lucas got Will a Walkman. Dustin got Will a game boy. Mike got Will a album of pictures of of everyone and he also got him his favorite candy and his favorite soda. "Thank you." Will said.

They all ate cake and danced and singed to Karaoke. They were all singing terribly but that's the best part. Mike and Will were chilling on a bench while everyone else was passed out.

"Hey." Mike said starting up a conversation. "Hey." Will said. I need to tell him. Mike thought. "I need to tell you something. But I don't know how you'll react." Mike said. Will nodded. "I like you. No. I love you. I don't know what or how it happened but it just did. Who wouldn't like you though. You are so pretty and amazing. The more Tim so spent with you the more I realized my true feelings. I know that I am the prince. I'm going to be king soon. I don't know how people will react. I'm not supposed to like a boy. My family would be so disappointed. But I just had to tell you. I'm sorry Will." Mike finished.

Will was silent. Mike thought he just fucked up. "Mike," Will said softly. "I like you to. No. I love you. Always have and always will."

Mike didn't know how to respond. So he just cupped Will's face and leaned in. Before his lips met Will's ha stopped. He looked at Will who nodded. Their lips met and it was the best thing in the world. It felt so right. Like this was supposed to happen.

They lasted about 10 more seconds before they separated. "Wow." Will said smiling. "Wow." Mike replied. They smiled at each other. They didn't say anything else. Will laid his head on Mikes shoulder. Mike wrapped his arms around Will. They stayed like that. In silence. Not an uncomfortable silence. No. This was very comforting.


Hey! This it a short chapter. I know. But Byler finally happened! Also I can't be the only one who hates the birthday song. Every time people are singing it to me it's so weird and awkward. Like I literally have to clue what to do. Then my mom is taking pictures with makes it even worse. Okay! That's all I had to say! Goodbye!

Words: 613

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