Chapter 34

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Mike was really happy that his mother supports him. He doesn't care to much about his fathers support though. Though Mike wondered if his father would ever come around. Mike at the moment was ring shopping for Will. While he was shopping people have him excited looks. They won't be too excited once they find out who his is marrying.

It had been three weeks since he had been crowned king. He is doing just fine. He has been hanging out with Will more more and more. Mike was sure that Will was definitely the one for him. Will sweet, caring, compassionate, kind, cute, really really cute. He loved Will. A lot. He was sure of this. Mike bought the prettiest ring he could find.

He walked out of the store a little nervous. Nervous that Will would say no. Nervous that Will wouldn't like the ring. Nervous of what other people would think of him. But he shouldn't be nervous. He has Will. That's all that matters.

His friends were helping him with this. This needs to be perfect. Will likes romance, so it has to be romantic.

Mike was going to take him on a ride. On his horse of course. He was going to take him to this hill. There was a picnic. He was going to wait till sunset to propose to him.

Mike rode to Will's house. He knocked on the door. Will opened the door and his face immediately brightened as he saw who is was. "Hey babe." Will said. "Hey angle." Mike responded. "Let's go!" Will said grabbing Mike practically dragging him.

They went to his horse and hopped on. "Where are we going anyway?" Will asked. Mike hasn't told him where they were going. "It's a surprise." Mike said. Will nodded and hugged Mike.

They went on their way. Of course Will kept in asking the same question over and over. But Mikes reply was always the same.

They finally reached the hill. Will was amazing. "You like it?" Mike asked. "It's beautiful." Will said. Mike chuckled.

They sat and ate, talked, kissed, laugh. Everything was going perfectly. Absolutely perfectly. The sun was soon setting which meant that it was almost time. Mike sucked in a sharp breath. He was extremely nervous know.

Mike grabbed Will's hand. Will blushed. "Hi." Mike said awkwardly. "Hi?" Will said. Mike took in another deep breath then got down on one knee. Will gasped.

"Will. Ever since I met you my life has gotten easier. Better. I've only had one other relationship the lady as you know. So I hoped that this wasn't to bad. Will the moment I saw you I fell in love. I couldn't get you out of my mind. I just couldn't. I didn't know why. It was unusual for me to be in love with a boy. But it happened. All because you are the cutest person I have ever laid my eyes on. And I know that this is going to be rough. But I want you with me every step of the way. So Will? Will you marry me?"

Will was full on crying. He nodded slightly. Mike slid the ring on his finger. Will jumped in his arms. Mike was tearing up too. Mike had poured his heart and soul into this. Especially the speech.


This one was a bit bad. If you couldn't tell already this story is coming to an end! I do hope that you've enjoyed this chapter!

Words: 585

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