Chapter 33: Save Me

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Alright guys this is it! Are you prepared for it? Nah, cause you already know what happens right?

Hopefully this chapter won't be too triggering for people... I didn't put in much detail.

I'll get back to present day with Misaki very soon!


Chapter 33: Save Me

For the next six years, I never looked at any boy the same way I looked at Shouta-san. Girls didn't appeal to me in the least. As soon as I started being intimate with my senpai, I knew that I only liked men. I knew that it was wrong for two men to be in a relationship, but it felt right. The love that we had shared was just as real as any other. I wasn't going to change.

The relationships with my family were still strained and nonexistent. I had befriended a stubborn and sometimes angry boy in my class named Kamijou Hiroki. Besides him, I didn't have anybody else that I could be close with. There was no one that could replace Shouta-san... or so I thought.

For six years the only friend I had was Hiroki and everything was fine. I still thought about my senpai a lot, but for the most part I was doing well. There were several occasions when I would get rather lonely, but I just poured my feelings into my writing. I filled up the entire journal he had given me years ago with a sad story about lost love. It matched our story almost exactly.

A new boy transferred into our class. On his first day, he stood in front of the classroom as the teacher introduced him. I was immediately drawn to him because of his unnatural red hair color. He wrung his hands over and over again in front of him. He mostly stared at the floor, but when I could see his face it was a little flushed. I was again drawn to him due to the fact that I had been through that same experience of being the new kid in class. The teacher introduced him as Miyamoto Ryuto.

He ended up sitting in the seat on my right, because it was the only empty seat in the classroom. I couldn't help but smile at him, which made him blush and hide his eyes from me. I thought it was weird at the time, but I just assumed he was really shy.

When it was time for lunch, he sat next to me and held out his hand for me to shake. He looked terribly nervous. "I-I'm Miyamoto Ryuto!" he practically yelled, making me jump.

After the initial shock, I took his hand in mine to shake. "I'm Usami Akihiko. Where are you from?"

"Aomori," he answered as our hands dropped. "This is the first time I've ever been to Tokyo. My father got transferred here just a few weeks ago. I didn't want to move. I mean, I was so nervous! But my sister somehow convinced me that it would be okay. She said I'd make some new friends right away, and would you look at that! She was right! I've already made one friend. I mean, we are friends, right?"

My eyes nearly burst out of my head when he started talking. He spoke so quickly and he spit out lots of information to a total stranger all at once. And he called me his friend? We had just met! This boy was strange...

"Um... yeah. Sure." What else was I supposed to say?

His eyes sparkled with joy. "Oh wow! That's so great! Friends! You can call me Ryuto and I'll call you Akihiko, okay?! I love your hair, by the way! Is that natural? My hair is also unnatural, but that's why I love it."

Thus began our friendship. It was so weird to hang out with a teenager, almost a young adult, who was so hyperactive and long-winded. I was a little uncomfortable with his eagerness and informalities. It pissed me off how he was always so positive and optimistic. Even so, I found myself spending more and more time with him, even though there was nothing special about him, unless you count how many words he could say in one breath. He found out a lot about me and I even let him read a few of my stories, which he thoroughly enjoyed.

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