Kyle x Reader

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I look up in the stands and see my all time best friend Kyle. We've been best friends since we were kids, and I would never admit it to him, but I really like him, I always have and he's actually never been to one of my volleyball games. I served the ball over the net and a girl on the other team bumped it over so I set it to Wendy my best friend and she spiked it over. We ended up winning the game, and after I looked for Kyle, but didn't see him. I was really sad because I thought he left until I felt arms wrap around me. "You did great (y/n)! I'm actually really surprised at how good you did!" "Thanks Kyle! That means a lot!" Then Wendy came over and everyone knows how bad she is at keeping secrets, I still don't know why I told her I liked Kyle. "Hey (y/n) is this the guy ... umm ... Kyle you always talk about?!" "WENDY!!" You always talk about me?" Kyle asked confused. "Ya she really likes you man!" The she realized what she said "Oooopsss sorry (y/n)!!" When he heard I liked him Kyle's face grew 50 shades of red and so did mine. "You like me?!" He practically yelled. "Umm maybe ... " "(Y/N) I LIKE YOU TO!!!" That he actually yelled! The next thing I knew his lips crashed into mine. You can say that was the start of a beautiful relationship.

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