Trent Boyett x Reader *Requested*

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Today was the day! The day my boyfriend was finally getting out of juvenile hall after being framed in preschool by 4 assholes named Kyle, Kenny, Stan and Cartman. I assume you're wondering how we got together if he was taken to juvenile hall in preschool, huh. I just moved to South Park and I haven't been the happiest girl in the world, so my parents got me a counselor and she thought it would be good for me to get a pen pal. Well, that pen pal was Trent. We quickly connected and it turns out we have a lot in common. After 6 months of talking, well writing, he got the courage to ask me to be his girlfriend. I obviously said yes, everyone, including and especially my parents thought I was insane, but my counselor and my best friend, Butters, the only 2 people I've opened to, saw how happy Trent made me, and they supported me. They've read some of the letters that Trent has sent me and the things he's said to me were "Some of the sweetest things I've ever heard, well, seen someone say to anyone, it seems he really loves you, honey." In the words of my counselor. I wasn't allowed to see Trent in Juvenile hall, they were afraid I'd put bad ideas in his head and he would wind up back in Juvenile hall, they let Butters go visit him though, he was nicest person anyone's ever met. Butters said that Trent was unbelievably excited to get out of  Juvenile hall and meet me, because, in Trent's words "I would've attempted suicide by now, if it wasn't for her treating me like a person, seeing the good in me. My demons were taking control of me. It came to the point where they chained me to the wall and force fed me so I wouldn't kill myself, then I started talking to her and I started feeling like a person again, like I had a purpose, she stood by me no matter what, she's the only one I really opened up to and she's the only one who hasn't screwed me over. Everyone asks why I love her and the answers simple. I always give them the same answer, 'Why do I love her? Because she doesn't treat me like a pile of shit like you do. She treats me like I'm a person, she understands what I'm going through, and that's just the beginning. There's more to her than you'll ever know.'" When Butters told me that I felt like the most important person in the world, like the most special girl in the world. I don't even know what this kid looks like, but I know I love him and I know I'd do anything for him. One day when we were writing, I was feeling particularly depressed and I told him about it in the letters. I told him I was a mistake and his response made me feel kinda good, "You are beautiful, you are perfect, I love you so much that it hurts. I sit awake at night wondering how you're doing, but I can't bring myself to write you." He truly is the most amazing person I've ever met.
I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating, I know I say that a lot and I say that I'm dealing with a lot, A LOT, and I'm definitely not trying to make anyone feel bad for me, but this time, I've lost my best friend (turns out she's a twisted bitch) and my boyfriend died. So I'm sorry and I know this isn't my best, I'm like crying writing this, cause I don't want to let you down, even though I know I probably already have. I love you guys so much. Thank you so much if you understand, or at least try to.

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