Chapter One

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"Chat Noir, I'm over here!" Marinette yelled, hiding from the akuma in an alleyway between two buildings. She couldn't transform because of how closely this akuma was watching her. This akuma would immediately follow her if she took one step away from the battle.

Chat Noir was once again battling an akuma for the sake of Marinette's safety. This was the third time this has happened where an Akuma has specifically targeted Marinette to the point of putting her in major danger.

"Stay put, Marinette! I'll be right there", he shouted over to her, swatting at the akuma with his baton. "Where are you ladybug?" he whispered under his breath. 

Once Chat Noir got the chance, he swept away from the battle and lifted Marinette into the air. He traveled between buildings, swiftly thinking of where he could potentially conceal her. The school caught his eye which had him going towards there. He thought of the basement and knew it was a good place for her to be safe.

"Alright, Marinette. I'm going to drop you off at the school and you're going to run to the basement, understand?" Chat shouted, making sure she could hear him over the rushing winds. She nodded in agreement, letting him know she understood.

He dropped off at the basketball court and set Marinette down gently. "I'll come back to get you once I know it's safe, okay? Ladybug should be showing up soon. I can't do this without her", Chat Noir stressed, lifting himself up in his baton and taking off amongst the wind. 

***Marinette transformed into Ladybug and her and Chat Noir fought off the villain*** (I know it can be a pain to read through boring battles, I just made sure to show y'all the Marichat scene ;P)

"Pound it!" Ladybug and Chat Noir fist bumped in unison. Chat Noir's ring beeped and Ladybug's earrings flickered.

"Oh, gotta go. See you soon, my kitty!" Ladybug was about to lift off before Chat Noir caught her hand. "Chat? We're going to change back in a few minutes, I have to go-"

"Wait, I just...", Chat Noir began hesitantly, stressed about the fact that time was pressuring him. "M'lady, I just wanted to tell you that I-".

His ring beeped again and her earrings flickered. "Chat", Ladybug urged, slightly trying to pull her hand away from his hold. "Can this wait for another time?"

Chat Noir sighed as he slowly let her gentle hand go. "Yeah, it can. See you soon, Ladybug." 

Chat Noir leapt off the building and made his way back to the school. Ladybug followed close behind, making sure he couldn't notice that she was following him. Once they arrived at the school, she took the back door to the basement and quickly detransformed.

"Marinette? Are you still here?" Chat Noir whisper-called as his eyes darted around the room to search for her.

Marinette came from behind stacked boxes and walked over to Chat. "I'm so sorry, Chat Noir. I have no idea why these recent akumas have been targeting me."

"No, don't worry about it, Marinette. I'm sure it's not your fault", Chat Noir said, with a hint of sadness in his tone.

Marinette noticed his weird tone. "Chat Noir, are you okay?"

"Yeah, just fine", Chat Noir snapped out of his mood and took a deep breath in. "So, need me to take you home?"

"No need. I only live a few blocks away from the school. I should be fine, unless another akuma wants to come back for me", Marinette joked, but only a little.

"Well, you should get going. Your parents must be worried."

"Yeah, okay. See you later, Chat", Marinette waved to him as she left.


"Tikki, did you notice how weird Chat Noir was when he came back to look for me? He seemed really upset", Marinette explained to Tikki as she cleaned up her room.

"Yes, I did notice", Tikki reclined on a pillow. "But you see, us Kwami's don't exactly do the same things you do as humans."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Marinette wondered.

"Well, I have a feeling that maybe he's upset because he wanted to talk with Ladybug, but you pushed him away."

"What else was I supposed to do? Risk revealing our identities for just a little chat? I'm sure it couldn't have been THAT important, anyway, After all, it's Chat Noir", Marinette giggled to herself.

"You don't know that. His feelings are true and deep for you, Marinette. Well, as Ladybug. But I think he was going to confess his love for you again."

"Right, which still isn't a valid reason to risk revealing our identities! He knows that I'm in love with another boy", Marinette crossed her arms in frustration, but let go after she took a deep breath. "Besides, he needs to understand that I can't love him, even if I wanted to."


"Hey, bugaboo. You called?" Chat Noir smirked as he sat next to her at the top of the Eiffel Tower. 

"Yes, kitty. I did. Listen we need to talk", Ladybug began.

"Is this about earlier? When I put a croissant in your hair during battle?" Chat Noir tilted his head in curiosity.

"You know how I hate it when you do that!" Ladybug raged for a moment before remembering why she was there. "Anyways, no, that's not what I want to talk about."

"Alright, bugaboo. I'm listening", Chat Noir turned his body until he was facing her and rested his head on his arms, letting her know he was all ears.

"This wasn't going to be easy. I mean, look at him! He's one of the most innocent looking people in the world. It hurts me to let him down, even if I'm letting him down easily", Ladybug thought to herself. "Chat, this is serious."

"I understand, M'lady. Why don't you go ahead and tell me what's on your mind", Chat Noir winked at Ladybug.

Ladybug sighed in frustration. "Chat Noir, I can't be in love with you. You know that right?"

Chat Noir was taken aback by her forwardness. He sat up straight and the smirk was wiped right off his face. His innocent face now looked serious. "M'lady, I-".

"No, no, no. You can't be calling me these names anymore. We're partners Chat Noir, not a couple. I hate how loving me is hurting you. I think it's time that you let me go", Ladybug explained, her eyes looking anywhere but his eyes.

When she finally met his eyes after moments of silence, all she could see was hurt. He was speechless, had nothing to say.

"Chat, I had to tell you. I just need you to know how dangerous it is for you to be in love with me. You need to find someone who can love you like I couldn't", Ladybug placed her hand on top of his in a reassuring manor. "Please, Chat Noir."

Chat Noir ripped his hand out from under Ladybug's. "What do you want me to do Ladybug? I can't just stop being in love with you like a clap of a hand. And didn't you know that loving you was always a risk worth taking?"

"I know, it's going to be difficult, but-"

"Ladybug, do you even realize what you're asking me to do right now?" Chat Noir stood up in fury. "I wish I could stop being in love with you, but I can't. These feelings are too strong to let go of."

Ladybug just stared at him, unsure of what to say. She never really was aware of how true his feelings really were, until now. "I-I don't know what to say."

"Forget it, Ladybug. I'll see you soon, anyway", Chat Noir said flatly before leaping off the building and into the night.

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