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The Secretary of State, Thaddeus Ross, is standing at the head of a table. Rhodey, Natasha, Steve, Tony, Sam, Alina, Pietro, Vision, and Wanda are gathered around.

The Secretary of State Thaddeus Ross has summoned the Avengers to a meeting, "Five years ago, I had a heart attack. I dropped right in the middle of my back-swing. Turned out it was the best round of my life, because after 13 hours of surgery and a triple bypass . . . I found something 40 years in the Army had never taught me: Perspective. The world owes the Avengers an un-payable debt. You have fought for us, protected us, risked your lives . . . but while a great many people see you as heroes, there are some . . . who would prefer the word "vigilantes"."

"And what word would you use, Mr. Secretary?" Natasha says.

"How about "dangerous"? What would you call a group of US-based, enhanced individuals who routinely ignore sovereign borders and inflict their will wherever they choose and who, frankly, seem unconcerned about what they leave behind?"

Ross activates a screen behind him. News footage from past Avengers and SHIELD matters flash on the screen as he speaks.

"New York." A Chitauri leviathan. Terrified citizens. A soldier firing a gun. The Hulk smashes into a building and sends a dust cloud to engulf the camera. Rhodey looks regretful. He glances behind him at Natasha.

"Washington DC." The three Insight helicarriers, firing on each other. The destroyed Triskelion. A helicarrier crashing into the Potomac and throwing up a massive wave, engulfing citizens and the camera. Sam looks down.

"Sokovia." Terrified citizens, running. The city rising. A building falling over. It showed a footage of Alina saving the girls from the debris. And when Alina had bullet holes in her. Wanda and Pietro stares at the screen, as does Tony.

"Lagos." The burning building. Paramedics moving a body. A dead girl. Wanda is particularly affected by the footage from Lagos. Steve and Alina sees this and intervenes.

"Okay. That's enough." They both intervene.

Secretary Ross nods to an aide and the images disappear.
"For the past four years, you've operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That's an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate. But I think we have a solution." he places a thick document on the desk and passes it to Wanda.

An aide hands him a thick book, which Ross slides across the table to Wanda. She picks it up, then slides it to Rhodey.

"The Sokovia Accords. Approved by 117 countries . . . it states that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organization. Instead, they'll operate under the supervision of a United Nations panel, only when and if that panel deems it necessary."

"The Avengers were formed to make the world a safer place. I feel we've done that." Steve argues.

"Tell me, Captain, do you know where Thor and Banner are right now?" Steve looks up and meets Ross's eyes.

Alina looks at the secretary, "Don't bring Thor and Bruce into this." She glared at him. Sure she had gotten in a wrong foot with them but they gotten along at the end.

Secretary Ross ignored her and continued talking, "If I misplaced a couple of 30 megaton nukes . . . you can bet there'd be consequences. Compromise. Reassurance. That's how the world works. Believe me, this is the middle ground."

James Rhodes says, "So, there are contingencies."

"Three days from now, the UN meets in Vienna to ratify the Accords."

Steve glances at Tony.
"Talk it over." Says Ross.

"And if we come to a decision you don't like?" Alina asked.

"Then you retire."

Natasha stifles a smile.

The Avengers are gathered at HQ. Steve is sitting, studying the Accords, while Rhodey and Sam argue behind him.

"Secretary Ross has a Congressional Medal of Honor, which is one more than you have."

"So let's say we agree to this thing. How long is it gonna be before they LoJack us like a bunch of common criminals?" Sam says.

"A 117 countries want to sign this. 117, Sam, and you're just like, "No, that's cool. We got it. ""

"How long are you going to play both sides?"

"I have an equation." Vision says.

"Oh, this will clear it up." Sam says

"In the eight years since Mr. Stark announced himself as Iron Man, the number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially. And during the same period, the number of potentially world-ending events has risen at a commensurate rate."

"Are you saying it's our fault?" Steve asks.

"I'm saying there may be a causality. Our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict. And conflict . . . breeds catastrophe. Oversight . . . oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand."

"Boom."Rhodey says.

"You looking for this." Alina says after the words left Rhodey's mouth. They all looked at her. Alina smirked, "What? I had to say it."

"What about the kid? Does she have to sign it?" Sam says. The smirk on Alina's wiped off her face.

"No. I'm not signing shit."

"Language!" Steve scolded her.

"I want to help people and I don't need a white ass man to tell what to do." Pietro smirked a bit but it turned into a frown.

Let me fill in for you. They broke up. A few months later after events in Sokovia Pietro cheated on Alina with a girl named Crystal.

She did not handle the break up well, she was in fact a mess. She didn't want to eat or drink anything for three weeks.

Pietro felt very guilty. He really did love her and he, himself, didn't know why he had cheated on her with a girl who he really doesn't like.

"Do you want to go to Juvenile?" Tony says.

Alina nods, "If it's for fighting for what I believe? Then yes."

"Well it's actually good news for you. You don't have you choose because I'm you're legal guardian and I'm gonna chose for you and you're signing those papers." Tony says in a strict voice.

"I wish my parents were still alive." And just with that she walked out of the meeting room.

After the events of Ultron Alina's gotten reunited with her parents. But they died a two months later. They were researching over in Cairo and they were shot and killed.

~ Time Skip ~

Alina was in her room watching Stranger Things. She was rewatching the show for the sixteenth time. Literally.

Tony knocked on her door and the young girl opened the door with a flick of her wrist.

"What do you want, Stark?" She still had her thick Russian/Sokovian accent.

"We're gonna go for a little field trip."

The young girl turns to look at the Billionaire, "To where?"


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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