*Meet the family*

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*Requests : vhscadie asked for a fluffy one-shot of Max meeting Lucas's family for the first time. I hope you all like it!


Lucas sighed, dropping his head back against Max's comfortable pillow. His body was spread across her bed, slightly annoyed by the fact that his girlfriend was throwing clothes all over her room. Max scrambled in her closet, trying on her twentieth outfit to date. You see, every year, the Sinclairs threw a lovely holiday party for their friends and family at their home.

Anyhow, Max had been invited this year. Plus, it was safe to say that everyone wanted to meet her. Of course, she already knew Erica as well as Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair who adored her. But, there were still so many people that Max was yet to meet. She'd been hesitant about the whole thing but Mrs. Sinclair was persistent in bugging her about it. So, Max succumbed and accepted the invitation.

Now, here she was, driving herself and Lucas to insanity about what to wear. "What about this one?" She asked again, looking herself up and down in her mirror. "For the hundredth time, Max. You look great in anything," Max grumbled at his reply, "Why is getting dressed up so hard!" She fussed, annoyed by the fact she didn't necessarily have anything nice in her closet.

"I just want to make a good impression," She protested, sighing as she slumped at the foot of her bed. The girl sitting by Lucas's feet, he called out, "It'll be fine," "But what if it's not?" She asked, her thoughts getting the best of her. "They're gonna love you, babe," He assured, sitting up and scooting next to her. She tried to send him a small thankful smile but was overtaken by nerves.

He noticed she was distracted and squeezed her hand, bringing her back to reality. "I don't know how they wouldn't," He continued, Max letting out a small chuckle. "You really think so?" "I don't think, I know," He reassured, wrapping his arms around her torso. "I just... I really don't want to mess anything up," She admitted. "And you won't, It'll be fine," She thanked him and quickly pressed a kiss to his cheek, "You're the best, I love you,"

Lucas patted his own back, plopping back against her bed as Max continued to get ready. "I know I am," Time went on when at last, Max was ready.  She and Lucas quickly drove to his house which was surrounded by a number of parked cars at every corner of the street. Max gulped at the sight, there were so many of them. undoing his seatbelt, Lucas squeezed her hand, "Everything will be fine,"

Max snorted at him, "Yeah, for you it will." Lucas rolled his eyes and dragged her towards the house. Max proceeded to open the door but Lucas stopped her, grabbing both of her hands. "Okay, so, I want to warn you, they're a lot." Dreading the evening, Max gave him a sarcastic smile, "Great." With that, the couple walked inside hand in hand and were quickly greeted by a handful of people, some even Lucas didn't recognize.

An older woman squeezed Max's cheeks, telling her how sweet she looked. She was sort of afraid but nodded uneasily. "So, this is Mad-Max?" Someone in front of them asked. Lucas nodded, squeezing her shoulders. With this, Max looked up at her boyfriend raising an eyebrow, "Mad-Max?" He sighed, "I'm never going to hear the end of this, am I?" Max shook her head, slightly laughing as he guided her through the people.

They made their way to the kitchen. "No, it's cute, really," Mrs. Sinclair spotted the duo and quickly pulled the two into her arms, "I'm so glad you could make it!" "After hours of begging," Lucas noted, leaning against the kitchen cabinets. "Of course, thank you for having me," Max replied politely as she looked around. It was her home away from home, the least she could do is attend some silky party.

The Sinclairs really treated her as their own and did their bests to help the girl with anything she needed. "I think I saw Dustin head upstairs, he must be waiting for you guys," She gave Max a pat and sent the two on their way. As the two walked toward the steps, Max wasn't even able to reach the first one. She looked around confused, pulled back by an older group of women who circled around her.

The ginger girl gulped, trying to take in their many overlapping sentences. It sure was overwhelming. "Let the poor girl breathe!" Erica yelled sassily, trying to squeeze through. She directed Max out, walking her up the stairs. "Thanks for saving me," Max chortled, letting out a relieved breath. "They are horrible sometimes!" Erica exaggerated, shaking her head as she kicked her brother's bedroom door open.

"Hey losers, you forgot something," She smiled fakely at her older brother, his girlfriend beside her. Lucas flipped his sister off, the girl sticking her tongue out in reply. She pursed her lips before running back down the stairs, "Gotta go find Tina," "Well isn't she just a wonderful ray of sunshine," Dustin remarked, talking about Erica. Max rolled her eyes, plopping down on a bean bag in Lucas's room.

"Where'd you go, anyways?" Lucas questioned. "You weren't joking when you said they were a lot." Lucas furrowed his eyebrows, "You thought I was joking?" Dustin laughed, raising his hand for a high-five, "Well, It's a good day for Erica, am I right?" It was safe to say he received none. "You guys play D&D way too much together," Lucas remarked, shaking his head as Dustin scoffed. "You play basketball too much but I don't say anything,"

The two boys bickered, giving Max a small headache between her eyes as she listened. "All right, all right, ladies, break it up!" The two boys quickly sat up, shutting their mouths. Lucas scratched the back of his neck, slightly embarrassed by his own behaviour. "Sorry," He mumbled, Dustin following his lead, "Yeah, sorry," Max sighed, her head in her dry hands," Thank you."

Dinner finally came, meaning everyone was spread out a little everywhere in the Sinclair house. Some were scattered in the living room, dining room, kitchen, and even the step as they devoured Mrs. Sinclair's amazing food. Max and Lucas found themselves sitting on the living room couch together, Dustin awkwardly sitting between them. Lucas's grandmother waddled towards them, cane in one hand and plate in the other.

She stood in front of Dustin, giving him a look as she waited for him to get up. However, he didn't get the memo. Lucas nudged the curly-haired boy, trying to state the obvious. Dustin's eyes widened, "Oh, you want me to go?" Lucas pursed his lips at his clueless friend. Realizing this, Dustin displayed a toothy grin, "Right, I'm gonna go get some more food," He quickly withered into the kitchen. "You do that," Max nodded as she watched him walk away.

The older woman took this as an opportunity to take his spot, placing her plate of food on her knees. Looking at both kids on either side of her, she groaned in direction of her grandson, "Well, don't just sit there! Aren't you going to introduce me, son?" Lucas cleared his throat, swallowing the rest of the food in his mouth. "Meemaw, this is my girlfriend, Max." He paused, looking at Max, "And Max, this is my grandma..."

He thought for a moment, not sure what Max should call her. "Meemaw?" Her smile widened, shaking Max's hand. "You can call me whatever you'd like darlin, I've been dying to meet you," She looked around the room, placing her shaky hand on Max's shoulder. "We all have, Lucas talks an awful lot about you." The woman beamed. Max smiled, hearing yet another thing to tease him about.

"Oh does he now?" She chuckled, Lucas practically mortified. "I'm glad he found someone," The older woman leaned over towards Max. She whispered, "I was starting to think maybe he'd be alone forever," Max laughed along with the woman, relieved that she liked her. They made small talk on the couch, Lucas sharing glances with Max that screamed 'I told you so'. She glared at him, rolling her eyes when she could.

The party died down and people began to leave. After all, it was Christmas Eve. Santa would be coming later... If you still believed in that shit. Helping clean up, Lucas and Max brought a few garbage bags into the garage. "So, what did you think?" The boy asked eagerly, "What did I think?" Max repeated his question. "Yeah, how was your Christmas?" "My Christmas?" She asked herself, tapping her head as if she'd forgotten.

Her eyes suddenly widened as if she'd remembered, "Oh yeah, it was good," "See? What did I tell you?" Max shook her head. She was never going to admit that he was right. "What did you think of them?" His tone changed, suddenly interested. "Well, they're nice.." She trailed off, "But they are a lot," Lucas winked, a large grin across his face. "I told you so," Max rolled her eyes, "You're such a dork," He went on, ignoring his girlfriend's insult, "You'll get used to it eventually," "Eventually?"

"Yeah, next year." Max shook her head scoffing, "Oh no, you aren't ready for next year." Lucas furrowed his brows, "Why, what's next year?" "Next year you'll be spending Christmas with my family," Lucas's eyes widened as Max laughed at his reaction. "Oh god." He groaned in realization. Most people in Max's family already hated him enough, Christmas would simply dig him a deeper grave. He faked a smiled. Lucas was most definitely not ready for next Christmas.


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