*Pudding cup*

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*Requests : Ariella202686 asked for a one-shot where Lucas starts to feel jealous over Max hanging with a boy at school and she reassures him. Also heartsforswifties asked for another angsty one shot but with a happy ending so I merged the two. Enjoy!


The corridors of Hawkins High echoed with the bustle of students heading to classes, the usual chatter blending into the familiar hum of school life. Lucas navigated through the halls, his steps purposeful as he hurried to get to science class.

He spotted Max at her locker, engrossed in conversation with a boy from her English class. A pang of unease crept into Lucas's chest as he observed their animated exchange. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy watching Max laugh at something a boy- that wasnt him, said.

Lucas's brow furrowed as he approached, a subtle tension settling over him. He was not going to let this slide. "Hey," he greeted, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty. "Hey, babe," Max turned towards him, her smile widening as she greeted him warmly.

The boy beside her shot Lucas a curious glance before excusing himself and heading off down the hall. Lucas watched him leave, his unease simmering beneath the surface. "Who was that?" he asked, trying to mask his concern. "Just a friend from class," Max replied casually, adjusting her books in her locker.

"We were just talking about the upcoming English project." Lucas's jaw tightened imperceptibly. "Looked like more than just English talk," he remarked, unable to keep the edge out of his voice. Max's gaze softened as she turned to face him, sensing his unease.

"Lucas, he's a friend. Nothing more," she reassured, her tone gentle, clearly wanting to be done with this conversation. Lucas felt a knot tighten in his stomach, his unease growing as Max's reassurance failed to ease his rising jealousy.

He couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something was amiss, despite her attempts to reassure him. "You don't laugh like that around me," Lucas pressed, his voice betraying him as he pursed his lips. Max's expression shifted from patience to frustration, her brows furrowing. "So, what? I can't laugh with someone else?"

Her voice carried a touch of irritation. A surge of defensiveness washed over Lucas. "I just... I don't like seeing you like that with other guys," he admitted, his tone tinged with a mix of jealousy and frustration. Max's eyes flashed, a hint of anger rising within her.

"And what? Do you think I can't have guy friends? That I'm not allowed to talk to anyone else?" Her voice rose in exasperation. Lucas's jealousy festered, clouding his judgment. "That's not what I'm saying!" he protested, his words tinged with desperation. Max shook her head, her frustration mounting.

"I can't believe you're acting like this, Lucas. I thought you knew me better than this." Her tone was tinged with hurt as she walked away, leaving Lucas standing there, his jealousy having pushed her away.


Later on, the school lunchroom buzzed with activity, but for Lucas, the atmosphere felt heavier than usual. Spotting Max sitting alone at a corner table, he made his way over, a small peace offering in hand. "Hey," Lucas said tentatively, offering her a pudding cup. "I thought you might want this."

Max glanced up, her expression guarded. "What do you want, Lucas?" she asked, a hint of apprehension in her tone. Lucas shifted uncomfortably, his regret palpable. "Yeah, sorry. Dustin told me I should get you one. It was stupid," he admitted, his voice tinged with remorse.

Max's gaze softened slightly at the gesture, but her guard remained up. "I don't need a pudding cup to make up for earlier, Lucas," she said, her voice softening just a fraction. "I know," Lucas admitted, his regret evident. "I shouldn't have acted that way. I'm sorry."

Max sighed, her frustration easing a bit as she met his eyes. "I just... I don't want things to be like this between us," she confessed, her tone carrying a mix of disappointment and hope. Lucas nodded earnestly. "Me neither. It won't happen again," he assured her, genuine in his remorse.

Their exchange hung between them, a fragile bridge over the rift that had formed. Max sighed, the tension in her shoulders softening. "Better not," she said, her voice carrying a tentative hope. With a small nod, Lucas offered a slight smile.

He left the pudding cup on the table, giving her space as he walked away, hoping that his actions spoke louder than his earlier mistakes. Max glanced down at the pudding cup, a mix of emotions swirling within her.

With a hesitant but genuine smile, she peeled off the lid and took a spoonful. As she ate, she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of warmth at the effort Lucas had made to make amends. Maybe it was a good thing Dustin had made him bring her a pudding cup?


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