*First baby*

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*Requests : ILIZADIOP asked for a one-shot that took place in the late nineties with Max and Lucas married. In it, Max is pregnant with her first child and goes into labour. I really loved writing this one so I hope you all love it just as much xx


Max sat up in her bed with a scared expression on her face. "Baby's coming now." She spoke surely making Lucas sit up just as fast beside her. "A-Are you sure?" He asked panicking, already standing up to get dressed. "Yes, I'm sure," Max groaned looking down at the sight beneath her. "What is it?" He jumped thinking something was wrong. 

She laughed, "Either I pissed myself or my water broke." Doing up his belt, Lucas wrinkled his face slightly disgusted by her words. Max kept talking only putting on a pair of sweats. She wasn't going to get all dolled up like El did when she had her first daughter. They had all seen how that ended and it hadn't necessarily been well. 

"I think I'll go with the second possibility since I'm having a lot of-" Max suddenly stopped and Lucas instantly snapped his head toward her. He was very on edge as he watched her very closely. Holding her breath Max squeezed her eyes shut. He sat by her, rubbing her back while her contractions passed. 

Sighing in relief, Max finally let go of the breath she'd previously been holding and opened her eyes to finish her sentence, "Pain." "Shit, okay, do you... need anything?"Max tried to smile at her sweet husband but it felt almost impossible right now, "I just want to go have this baby, I need it out of me." Max stated plainly wanting it all to be over already.

"We're leaving honey," Lucas assured helping her get to the car. Max could hardly even walk since her stomach was so big, it would come out as more of a waddle. Once she was seated in the car and out of the house Lucas felt very much sounder. She sat there while he made a few phone calls, letting close friends and family know that she was having the baby. 

He grabbed the hospital bag they'd prepared a few weeks ago and got in the car beside her. "All ready," He smiled trying to hide his obvious nervousness while he turned on the car. Max yanked over one of his hands holding onto it tightly. "Hurry, it hurts," She winced trying to relax against the seat.

You'd think Max would be scary or even terrifying during labour but she was nothing of the sort. It was really hard for her to even think about being mean through all the pain. Lucas on the other hand was very glad that she wasn't too mean, though once in a while she had her moments she was doing very well. He just had to watch his words.


They'd arrived at the hospital rather quickly and Max was nearly losing her mind on certain nurses when they couldn't find her vein. She even offered to do it herself since they were so incompetent. I mean, how would you feel if you were on th verge of tears and your nurse pricked your same arm about three times. She should've simply found it the first time.

Max was only four centimetres dilated but the time passed very quickly, especially when drugs came into vue. When it came to the options, Max had really outdone herself. She was taking pretty much anything the staff recommended to her as the scariest part of pregnancy was labour. This came as no surprise to Lucas since, Max had a fairly small pain tolerance. 

All of this was very intense for her to handle but thankfully the drugs helped for a while. But sadly, one hour after the other, Max started to get passed that point. "Okay Maxine, time to push." Her doctor smiled fixing her blue latex gloves. Max turned to face Lucas with a scared expression on her face. "Please, don't let go of my hand," She begged her palms sweaty.

Little did she know, Lucas felt the exact same way as she did. However, he knew he needed to stay strong for Max.  She was the one doing this after all, not him. In another life, he probably wouldn't be able to anyways. "I'll be right right here the whole time." He promised wiping the tears beginning to form on her sweaty face. She nodded bracing herself for more pain. 

It had indeed been bad. Worse than they ever could have thought. Unlike El and most women, Max knew that the majority did not have sweet delivery's or anything of the sort. They were shit and difficult filled with loads of pain. And that was just what went on for Max. After two hours of pushing there was still little to no progress and Max felt herself want to give up.

The red hair on her head sticking to her sweaty face, Max started to get really tired and whimpered, "I can't do this." Still holding her hand Lucas shook his head at her, "No, no, Max you can't stop now," Wanting everything to stop Max nodded to herself and sat up a little, "Yes, yes I am." Finally having had enough Max yelled, "I want to go home!"

"We're going home soon but you have to do this first, honey," Lucas spoke calmly running a hand through her sweaty scalp. "Easy for you to say, you did this to me!" She sobbed loudly while her nurses laughed at Lucas from afar. Glaring at them Lucas looked back at his wife, "I know, I'm sorry, I'll never do it again!" He apologized, kissing the hand that he was holding. 

"I want to go home!!" Max suddenly yelled again. Her scream was ear-piercing and for a moment Lucas thought he busted an eardrum. "Yes Max, just like that!" Her doctor smiled doing a thumbs up. Let's just say, there had been lots of yelling in the room throughout the next few minutes. However, it was worth it, because it gave both Max and Lucas their newborn daughter.


Exhausted in her bed, Max watched Lucas craddle their newborn daughter closely. She chuckled lazily at how adorable they were together. "Is this going to be a dynamic duo?" Lucas shrugged smiling at his wife, "Most likely," He was glad to see her happy again as he didn't like to see her in so much pain. "You did good babe," He changed the subject, a hand over Max's covered leg.

"Yeah well, I'm going to kill you if you ever do this to me again." Max laughed though even Lucas  knew she wasn't joking. "I don't think we need to." He smiled softly looking down at his baby. One child was enough for him and one child was way more than enough for Max. Of course, she would do it againfor her beloved daughter but she was never going to do it again willingly.


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