*It's positive*

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*Request : Hey guys, I know no one asked for this but I felt it was important and almost a need for me as a woman to address this. Though I'm glad to live in Canada, my neighbouring country (the USA) decided to overturn the Roe V Wade court case. Due to our loss as Women and people with uteruses, I wanted to make a one-shot bringing light to this. I am so sorry and truly devastated for all my female American friends, I stand with you during this hard time. Remember to educate yourselves. If any of you need anything my dm's are always open, love you all stay strong xx


The feeling of pure anxiety rushing through her veins, Max paced the tiled floors of Lucas's small bathroom. She sat on the rim of her boyfriend's ivory bathtub, staring at the white stick that tethered on the edge of his sink. Sick with nerves, as much as Max tried to pack up the courage to go look at the results she just couldn't. It was like her body wouldn't allow her.

A sudden knock on the door snapped her out of her thoughts, Lucas her boyfriend was standing worriedly waiting for her on the opposite side of the door. With his ear pressed against it, he tried to take in every bit of noise that he could from his spot there. "It's been a while Max, are you okay?" Max didn't respond as she knew he already had her answer. She was not okay.

With no answer, Lucas kept his distance behind the door. You see, he had offered to come with her in the first place but Max simply refused. Of course, Lucas was slightly insulted by her decision at first but he let it go, knowing it was her body they were talking about at the end of the day. "What does it say, babe?" 

Max swallowed the lump in her throat, she was still yet to go look at the result of the test. "Max, please say something, you're scaring me," Wiping her nose with the sleeve of one of her boyfriend's baggy sweatshirts Max sniffled. She did her best to conceal her sobs from him and managed to let out a few simple words, "Yeah, sorry, I didn't look yet," 

Doing his best to comfort her from the other side of the door, Lucas pushed down his own fears over the situation. "Alright, take your time," He reassured not wanting to stress her out even more than she already was. Max did slightly feel bad for not letting him come in with her but at the same time, if these results were positive, it was her problem at the end of the day. Not his. 

She had learnt enough from watching movies to see how this works: the boyfriend gets praised and applauded for impregnating the helpless female who on the other hand thought they were so in love while she just gets shamed and mocked as it was her responsibility to protect herself from this. Max had seen the same plot repeat itself in different movies or even at her school. 

Though she knew Lucas loved her and he'd promised to stick by her side through it all, she couldn't help but wonder if he was like everyone else. After a good while of overthinking it, Max finally cursed at herself and walked over to the sink. She quickly flipped over the stick squeezing both her eyes shut. 

Opening them, Max's breath caught in her throat as hot tears silently prickled down her soft cheeks. Two lines. The first time she tried to speak, nothing had come out but the second time, she only sobbed loudly. "Max, what is it?" Eager on the other side of the door, Lucas knew the answer from the sounds of his girlfriend's sobs. Ashamed, Max's voice cracked while she spoke quietly, "It's positive." 

Throwing the test at the wall, Max repeated her previous answer louder, "Fuck, it's positive." Falling to the floor Max hit her head continuously against the bathtub as she cried into her knees. "Oh my god!" Still shocked, Lucas did his best to reassure her from the other side of the door but eventually gave in, letting himself in. It was his bathroom she was crying in after all. 

Scooping her up in his arms, Max sobbed into his shoulder. "I'm turning into my mother!" Now with the two of them on the floor, Lucas kissed her hair, "We'll figure this out together," Though she knew he was trying, Max only snorted at the words that escaped his mouth. Lucas furrowed his eyebrows confused as he was only trying to help. "What do you mean?" "Bullshit Lucas!" 

He scooted back wanting to hear what nonsense she had to say this time. "Not together, I'm going to have to do this all by myself." "Max, what are you talking about?" "Don't you get it? It's my problem, not yours." "No-" She sniffled, his face between her two hands. "Look at what happened to Carole and Austin, Patrick and Ella, it doesn't work how you think it does." 

Of course, Lucas had never realized this till now as he didn't pay much attention to them like Max did. He nodded, finally understanding. "I'm not going to do that to you, you should know that." Pushing a strand of hair away from her face, Max leant her head against his arm. "We'll see about that." "I'm with you no matter what you choose to do."

Heavy tears falling from her eyes, Max jumped into his arms begging him to keep his promise. "Please don't leave me," He was taken back by the hug but quickly hugged back and assured that he would never. She kissed his shoulder pausing, "God, I don't deserve you," "Yes you do, you deserve more." She held him tighter, not letting go.


As someone who was stuck in a toxic relationship for years, I think everyone deserves someone like Lucas. Do not accept any less. Keep your standards high and don't you dare lower them for some guy who only wants you because of your status, job, body and more. Always remember that YOU are perfect and deserve the world and more.


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