The Greatest Kingdom

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The group have finally 'acquired' a Bullhead with Cordovin's permission thanks to their efforts in defending Argus from a Grimm Leviathan. While on route to Atlas, Naruto decided to drop off and head to Mantle with Neopolitan who is now the newly christened Fall Maiden after killing Cinder Fall.

Neo flew Naruto to the streets and saw the men and women in different white uniforms leaving a Bullhead. Neo tapped Naruto on the shoulder and asked through her vocalizer. "Who are these guys?"

"Ace Operatives. Ironwood's personal enforcers. They're a squad of huntsmen ready to execute his orders." Naruto answered.

"Like soldiers." Neo concluded which Naruto nodded.

Naruto summoned a doppelganger and had it meet the Ace Operatives. One he recognized as a Faunus shouted 'stay!' and Naruto gritted his teeth.

Neo raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"That Operative with a tail froze my clone! I can't move it!" Naruto answered as the two could only watch as the short female Operative cuffed his clone and lead it to the ship.

"We follow them." Naruto ordered as he held Neo's shoulder and they flew on to the top of the Bullhead.

Naruto handed two red seals to Neo and ordered. "Place these to the Bullhead's rotor wings. I'm going to interrogate the leader." Neo nodded and attached the seals to said wings.

Naruto decided to take control of his doppelganger and asked. "What are your orders?"

"That's classified." A man named Clover Ebi answered, the man is wearing a sleeveless coat. White like all his teammates.

"I ask again; What are your orders? Give me that answer and I'll destroy one of your ships rotor wings." Naruto threatened.

"Really? You're cuffed, buddy. Like you could blow up our ship while you're in there." The short Operative named Harriet Bree said.

Naruto smirked and nodded to Neo to detonate one of the explosive seals, causing one of the wings to be damaged and tumbling it slightly. "Know that I'm capable of delivering my threat, answer my question."

Clover nervously answered. "We were tasked with investigating that stolen Bullhead and were ordered by General Ironwood to bring in Team RWBY and their company to Atlas."

Naruto asked. "Why?"

"We're not allowed to tell you anymore. You just asked for orders." Vine Zeki replied.

"I can still detonate your second rotor wing." Naruto warned.

Elm Ederne answered, a little afraid. "The General has heard of this team's exploits and wants to graduate them early by giving them their licenses. Effective upon arrival."

Naruto nodded, satisfied with the answer. He turned to Neo. "Call Ruby. I'm giving her news."

Neo activated her scroll and placed it near Naruto's head. Ruby's voice can be heard. "Hi, Naruto. What's up?"

"I'm with a group called the Ace Operatives. They want to pick you guys up and take you to the General."

Ruby replied. "You got it, Naruto. We met up with Mr. Polendina. Uncle Qrow noticed that Ironwood's been paranoid with that announcement we saw."

Naruto said. "Right..."

Ruby can be distantly heard talking to someone else. "Weiss, what is it? Grimm are attacking Mantle? Okay, I'm on my way." She can be heard talking directly to him. "Alright, Naruto. We'll be fighting Grimm again. You should know Penny's here too. She remembers everything from the tournament to Beacon."

"I see. Well we'll rejoin you soon, Ruby. Bye."

"Bye, Naruto." Ruby ended the call.

Naruto and Neo watched from the Bullhead's roof as it flew to where Teams RWBY, JNPR, Qrow and 8 are currently engaging the Grimm.

Shino noticed the Bullhead and narrowed his eyes further when he saw Naruto and Neo on top of it.

The Bullhead dropped and the cannons fired some sort of gravity bolas that wrapped the entire group wires, capturing them.

Shino gritted his teeth and discreetly called some of his bugs to break his and Hinata's restraints off of him.

Naruto was surprised at this and demanded. "Explain yourselves."

Clover exclaimed. "The General told us to bring them in! We didn't know if they were willing or not!"

Harriet narrowed her eyes. "Shouldn't you be in your seat?"

Naruto smirked. "On the contrary, I was never there." He poofed, surprising the Operatives.

Shino and Hinata were able to free themselves and Naruto fired two rounds from his rifle at Clover and Vine while Shino and Hinata went for the knockout blows. Clover was still clutching his stomach from kick Hinata gave him while Vine had his aura drained from Shino and passed out.

Hinata called to Naruto. "Free the rest of us! We'll take Neo and look out for those operatives."

Naruto nodded and saw Ruby, tied like the rest of her teammates. "Naruto!"

Naruto took out a kunai from his belt and cut Ruby loose. He gave her a dagger for her to use as they freed the rest of their teammates.

Once everyone was freed, they saw Naruto's group keeping the Ace Operatives hostage.

Marrow protested. "Why are you guys doing this? We just wanted to bring you to the General!"

Neo rolled her eyes while Hinata asked. "And in order for you to do that, you decided to attack us instead of asking us to come with you? We would have complied."

Shino added dryly. "We outnumber you and apparently the courtesy of asking is completely lost on these 'Ace' Operatives."

Marrow kept his mouth shut. Elm and Clover looked confused while Harriet looked furious.

Jaune turned to Naruto and declared. "Not sure I can speak for Ruby's but my team is ready to go."

Ruby added. "Mine as well."

Naruto declared. "Let's go see General Ironwood.

Shino used the gravity bolas on the Ace Operatives, keeping them restrained for the time being as they boarded the Bullhead.

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