Burst the Gravity

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Naruto found Jaune's team fighting the team and declared without preamble. "I know of an easy way to get the civvies away from the combat zone. I'm commandeering your team, Jaune."

Jaune replied. "Yeah sure. All yours."

Nora asked. "So what's the plan?"

Naruto explained. "I know of several airports where SDC transport ships are being held. With these papers in hand, I can use them to evacuate the populace away from Mantle."

Ren pointed out. "You do realize that we'll need time to attract the people to those airports and the Grimm will follow them too."

Naruto countered. "Exactly why I need you guys. We work this out and almost everyone will make it. Well, almost."

Everyone agreed and they went to said airports where Naruto wasted no time in using the papers he had Whitley take in telling the workers to activate their transport ships. He had Pyrrha use broadcast radio to attract the people and it worked. The civilians started running towards the SDC and started boarding the ships. However, the fear and worry they've been oozing out started attracting the Grimm.

Naruto declared to everyone. "We're here to rescue as many civilians as we can but there's no way we could save them all with just the five of us. Just get as many to the transport ships as we can."

Pyrrha tells Jaune. "We have to split in pairs to defend the ships. You and I will defend one airport while Nora and Ren protect another." Jaune nodded and began issuing orders to his teammates.

The populace started running towards the transport ships where Naruto protected as many as he could all by his lonesome. Some were killed by the Grimm but many arrived at the waiting ships.

Naruto was lifting a piece of debris which landed from one father with the help of his family and led the others to another transport ship where he flinched in surprise by gunshots.

Emerald Sustrai tossed her guns and breathed threw her nose as she approached him, eyes filled with hate. "I've been waiting a long time for this." She said as she tried to stab Naruto with a knife.

Only for him to catch it and stab her back.

"Wait longer, bitch." Naruto shot back as he kicked her and made sure to shoot her head with his pump-action holorifle for insurance.

Naruto then saw that the rest of the civilians on his side have boarded the transport ships as he heard a message from his scroll.

Ren is calling him. "Naruto, Nora and I are fighting Hazel and we need your assistance."

Naruto signaled the pilots to take off and ran to Ren and Nora's position. Nora managed to slam her hammer on Hazel's shoulder but he countered by grabbing her leg and throwing her away. Ren stabbed Hazel in the chest sixteen times but he countered the seventeenth stab before he slammed Ren's head on his knee punched him in the face and then threw the man to Nora, knocking them both out.

Hazel saw Naruto using a Rasengan to propel himself and tried to stab him. Hazel caught Naruto by the throat, punched him in the face and threw him around. He said. "I have fought and killed plenty of huntsmen and huntresses in Salem's name. I will kill that liar Ozpin for what he did to my sister."

Naruto evaded many of Hazel's punches and when the man used a metal beam as a club, he dodged those too and blocked the third strike but barely. Naruto barely turned it around before blasting it away with a wind jutsu. He spun and stabbed Hazel in the gut with his sword.

Hazel slapped the sword away and grabbed Naruto by the throat as he carried him over the edge of the airport. "Who taught you to fight like that?"

Naruto answered. "One of the finest clans in Atlas." He then blasted Hazel in the face with a gout of fire.

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