Gearing Up

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Now everybody is flying to Atlas. Shino set the function to autopilot to check on the group. Everyone else was keeping an eye on the Ace Operatives, still restrained.

Ruby gushed at the sight of Atlas. "It looks so beautiful!"

Weiss didn't seem happy. "I wouldn't be so sure about that, Ruby."

They finally reached some sort of helipad where Naruto told everyone that is the Atlas Academy. He then ordered the rest to remove the restraints off the Ace Operatives, making them rub their wrists.

"Can't have you attack us during our flight." Naruto began then said. "Now take us to the General."

They have done so. Hinata eyed some of the soldiers guarding the place shift in nervousness but shrugged it off. They finally reached the elevator where it fit all of them at once.

Naruto leaned to Ruby. "You still got that relic?"

"Still got it." Ruby replied as she heard a 'good' from Naruto.

The doors of the elevator unlocked and Winter and Ironwood can be seen talking to each other with the latter grumbling. "I swear if I have to sit through one more council meeting..."

He saw the group and Clover reported. "Sir? We failed the mission."

Ironwood saw the group and connected the pieces. Shino pointed out. "Maybe next time you could've specified your orders more clearly. They tried to arrest us when you said to bring us in."

Ironwood admitted he had a point while the Operatives winced at their mistake. "Right, noted. Ace Operatives, you are dismissed. I'll brief you on your next mission once I've spoken with the group."

The General turned to the group. "I apologize for the rough introduction. We have reports of a rogue Bullhead and I can't afford to take any chances."

Winter exclaimed. "You've stolen a Bullhead!? You could've been shot down! It was very irresponsible and reckless!"

Weiss explained. "We tried asking nicely and we got rejected. We got that as thanks for defending Argus." Winter deflated after that but soon changed the subject. "Some of the power plants have been detonated and a temporary brownout ensued. You have anything to do with that?"

Naruto raised a hand and said. "Weiss had nothing to do with that. I did it." When Winter turned to glare at him, he made an evil laugh and added. "I should be organizing a little fundraising party for Jacques. It's going to be a blast." Everyone groaned at his evil joke.

Naruto turned to Ironwood. "General, we've come bearing a lot of news and I'd think it best you take a seat. It's going to be a doozy."

Ironwood nodded and sat down behind his desk. Naruto began his tale, keeping it short and concise. If Ironwood wanted more details, he could ask for them. "After the fall of Beacon, we were separated for a long while and I've slowly reunited Team RWBY here. We've met at Haven where we fought Cinder and her group and succeeded. We also found out the Lionheart was a traitor and died from the noose set up by this mysterious figure."

Ironwood raised an eyebrow and asked. "Who's he?"

Yang answered for Naruto. "No idea. All that we know so far about him is that he destroyed an entire bandit camp all by himself and he killed the headmaster, admitted it himself. That is when he dropped the bombshells on us about Ozpin and Salem."

Naruto added. "That Ozpin is a liar. That he is married to Salem and the most damning revelation is that she is immortal."

That hit Ironwood and Winter real hard judging by their stunned expressions, Yang added. "Surprised? So where we when we used the Lamp of Knowledge to confirm his words."

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