Cordially Invited

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Yang called to the rest of Team RWBY and Naruto to the dorm today and announced. "Guys, you should know that Jacques is holding a press conference this afternoon."

Blake raised an eyebrow. "What about it?"

Yang looked knowingly at Ruby. "We could use this opportunity to show off our good deeds to the people of Atlas and Mantle."

Naruto snapped his fingers. "Yang, you're a genius!" Said blonde beamed at his praise. "We will use that moment on the helipad as well as that part where you and Penny save an Atlas guard from being entirely eaten by a Sabyr and stopped a Grimm breeding ground underneath the mines albeit at the cost of her life."

Ruby looked down when she remembered that moment where Giant Centipedes started hatching and tore Penny apart. Penny begged Ruby to kill her as she readied herself for destruction. Ruby had done so hesitantly and destroyed said breeding ground. She was inconsolable for the rest of the day.

"But Penny...I killed her request." Ruby said mournfully while Blake laid a hand on her shoulder.

"Then we'll use that to our advantage. You just had to omit the part where you killed her. The people will like to know that Penny is a good person and she'll sacrifice her life so that they will live for another day." Naruto said.

Yang pointed out. "In short, you'll make Penny into a martyr."

"Correct." Naruto replied.

Weiss added. "If anything, Pietro can rebuild Penny again. I don't think she'll remember that you 'killed' her but she can be brought back."

Naruto nodded. "You are right but I have to give Pietro multiple aura boost shots to get him to recreate Penny since his was damaged."

Yang stated. "Enough of this moping about Penny. We've a conference to crash."

This conference later this afternoon was held in Atlas though it was broadcasted in Mantle. Jacques can be heard trying to answer questions over the embargo as well as one Penny Polendina.

Naruto and Yang can be heard trying to hype Ruby over her speech though the redhead was nervous. Yang rolled her eyes and said. "Ruby, you've always known how to get us to pay attention to you. You know who Penny is and how she died. Jacques can't hope to spin that."

Naruto winked at Ruby. "Yang and I will be doing some...technical maintenance to help you. This'll add credibility to your words."

Ruby made a sigh and said. "I'm ready."

Yang slapped her sister's back and nodded to Naruto.

Jacques answered. "I was told from a source, a female one, that Penny has been destroyed in the line of duty but she will be built again by Pietro." Before he could add more, Ruby was now standing next to him.

She announced. "People of Atlas and Mantle, my name is Ruby Rose and I am a Huntress. As of today, I and my team have protected your kingdom from an enemy known as the Grimm and my special ability of silver eyes have saved Jacques from being killed by a Centinel who was being protected by Naruto at the time. The proof of my actions should be here riiiiiiiiiiiight now."

As if on cue, the video behind Jacques was shown with Teams RWBY, JNPR, 8, the Ace Operatives, Qrow, Winter all doing their part in eliminating the Grimm with extreme prejudice and efficient precision.

"Wait, what?" Jacques looked as if he is suffering a heart attack.

Ruby continued. "I do not know if there are other people that have my eyes, for all we know I could be the only one. But I'm here today because of Penny, she died destroying a Grimm infestation of Giant Centipedes. I know that she is a good person deep down and she loved life, big and small, and has shown more humanity than some people I have met. She didn't hate anyone in her life. She has dedicated herself in protecting those who cannot protect themselves. Remember Penny, follow her footsteps and you will be helping Mantle and Atlas in your own way."

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