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Naruto went to Team RWBY's dorm and saw the girls in their bedroom clothes. Blake stood up and asked. "So what is life like in Yotsuba clan?"

"Cold." Naruto answered. "Not the abusive level of cold but the kind you'd see in any aristocratic class."

"Couldn't you just leave like Weiss did?" Yang asked.

"No offense to Weiss but even though I'm just servant status to them, they were fairly nice to me even though I'm a Faunus."

"I'd reflect that because of my name, I have everything I need. Food, roof over my head and a place to call home. But now my home's with you guys." Weiss said.

"Weiss here hits the nail on the head about my issue with the Yotsuba, guys. Yes, I should and I'm still am grateful for that. But unlike her, I have a fairly peaceful childhood. My foster siblings were Tatsuya and Miyuki and my mother is confidante to the matriarch of the clan."

Naruto's face darkened as he recalled. "But that all changed in my adolescent years when my mother told me I have to go to the laboratory for something special. I was then told that I was going to be given something called a 'gene-seed' to enhance my physiology. Let me show you."

Naruto took off his shirt and short and the girls' eyes widened at the amount of stitches done on his torso. Weiss moved closer to trace her finger on the one near his heart.

Yang breathed and asked quietly. "They basically used you as their guinea pig?"

Naruto nodded. "That'd be the word, yes. They placed nineteen organs in me. Even worse, I was fully conscious and painkillers won't work on me. I can remember the pain I was going under as they place in organ after organ on me. But the horrible part was my eyes. I wasn't born with them but it was given to me."

Blake asked. "How?"

"I really can't explain exactly. I also don't know how to tell you about the gene-seed they placed inside me. While I can remember my mother and matriarchs of the Yotsuba clan explain and explain what they did to me. I still didn't get it in the end so I just chalked it up to genetics and science." Naruto said.

Ruby winced. "So what do these thingys do exactly?"

"I'm sure I'd bore you if I try to explain, heck even I didn't get it either but all I could tell you is that it made me superhuman in a sense. The eyes too."

Weiss felt horrible about what Naruto had been through and said. "How did you feel after the whole operation?"

"I was quite resentful of the clan and my mother for what they put me through but they explained that they made me better than even the best huntsman fresh off of the academy. They put me training regiments with Tatsuya and academic studies with Miyuki's help. After that, they set me on my way. That is how I met you girls and now you know my story."

Blake handed Naruto his shirt and he wore it back as well as the short. She said. "I'm sorry to hear about that, Naruto. But I'm happy that you trusted me –us- enough to tell us."

Naruto sighed. "I hope so. Because I never told this to anyone."

Yang looked like she was in deep thought and noted. "So this Yotsuba clan did all those experiments on you and you didn't try to take them down a peg? Don't tell me you just chickened out about it."

Naruto narrowed his eyes and said in a low tone. "Watch your words carefully, Yang. You're treading on dangerous ground." Ruby gulped.

Yang insisted. "Look at what they've done to you, Naruto! They literally shoved all sorts of stuff on you and you didn't mind one bit? They've turned you to some...some...I don't know...a mutant, a demon?"

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