Fangs Dulled

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Blake can be seen wandering the streets of Atlas along with Shino. The man with his hands placidly behind his back. Shino looked over his shoulder and noticed a girl being accompanied by an older woman Blake assumed to be the mother.

"Excuse me but are you two huntsman and huntress?" The girl wearing a white dress and long high-heeled shoes.

"We are." Blake confirmed.

"Daddy says Faunus can't huntsmen." The girl said. "Faunus can't do anything good like humans can. The General only keeps a Faunus among the Ace Operatives to trick people into thinking that he accepts Faunus."

"Racial segregation with the first words uttered to us by a child, Blake." Shino said dryly which Blake nodded to.

"My daddy is a soldier and personal bodyguard to Jacques Schnee!" The girl said proudly. "He can kick both your butts when I tell him who you are!"

Shino turned his head to Blake. "I believe I must interpret this as an attack to our persons."

Blake smiled. "May I ask about the name of this terribly misinformed fool you call a father?"

This time it was the mother who answered for the girl wearing the same exact outfit. "I'd have you both know that this 'terribly misinformed fool's name is Landry Norton. Corporal of the Atlas Military and one of Jacques Schnee's bodyguards."

"Oh dear." Blake said in feigned amazement. "I need to make an apology."

"Good to see that you have decency." The woman uttered. "I'll call him and you can apologize to him."

Shino raised a hand. "That won't be necessary. Blake, please call General Ironwood."

Blake pulled out her scroll and the woman exclaimed in a panic. "There's no need to bother the General!"

"Hello?" Ironwood's voice called out and the woman tried to grab the scroll only for Shino to block her. "Report to him, I'll hold her."

"General, what does the law say about the family members of soldiers?" Blake asked.

"Simple. The men under my command are to be held responsible for the actions of their families. This way they learn to behave, you have a complaint?" Ironwood answered.

"Yes." Blake replied. "The mother and daughter of Corporal Landry Norton have attacked me and Shino with racist remarks of my race and to us personally. As of now, Shino is blocking his wife from trying to take my scroll."

"I see. I will assign Winter to reprimand the Corporal." Ironwood replied and then he hung up. Shino let go of the wife who slumped in defeat.

Blake smiled. "It feels good to do that."

"Indeed." Shino added.

The two went to a bookstore where Shino preferred manga whereas Blake preferred novels.

Blake and Shino combined their money to pay for two each. They exited the bookstore after that.

That is where they heard an SDC huntsman talking trash about the Faunus in general.

"Got the courage to repeat that slander to my face?" Shino dared the male huntsman.

"Readily! You are nothing but animals! Freaks! Useless waste of baggy flesh who are only fit to work in our mines and die on them!"

Shino sharply asked. "How many humans' lives did you save? From beowolves? From beringels?"

"That doesn't mean anything..." the SDC huntsman tried to say.

"Asked you a question. How many?" Shino repeated.

The huntsman went into a stammering mess and couldn't answer no matter how hard he tried to think about it. Blake smirked and announced to the people looking at the scene with curiosity. "That's something to think about, people."

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