Eternity's End

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Naruto and Ruby traveled outside of Mantle while their teams are busy defending Mantle from the invading Grimm. The city now a complete battleground for both factions now that the civilian population had been evacuated.

"Now we wait for Salem." Naruto said as he sat down in an Indian manner.

Ruby asked. "Just curious, what if Salem doesn't show?"

"She will show." Naruto automatically replied. "She can't miss this chance to bag two relics and destroy a kingdom in one go."

Ruby said. "Remind me the plan."

"One idea is to use my eyes to 'revive' her human body before she plunged herself into the Grimm pools but you need to weaken her with yours, Ruby. The other idea is to use the lamp and ask the question on what is the value of life and death or words to that effect." Naruto explained.

Ruby gripped the Lamp of Knowledge on her hip and replied. "Understood."

Naruto and Ruby continued waiting as they saw a massive whale on the far distance, Ruby requested. "Naruto, I'm bored. Can you say something, anything to keep us entertained?"

Naruto said, letting out his thoughts. "What really irked me is that in some fanfics that I've read is that characters, either original or crossover, pair up with characters here in Remnant, get enrolled in Beacon, see its fall, travel to Haven then to Atlas and then finish those fanfics with the same cliffhanger as the original then they are stuck in hiatus until the next volume is being aired so they can write it in the exact same fashion as the original."

Ruby remained silent while Naruto continued. "What really annoyed me is that some fanfiction would write Team RWBY in a way that makes them villains or downright unlikeable. As for my first point, I really hate it when the stories written in fanfiction-especially in crossovers- are written with little deviation from the canon version. It's easy to predict what will happen next because of this."

Ruby asked. "Like what?"

Naruto replied. "The enrolment to Beacon, the festival and its attack, its fall, crossing to Haven, revealing Ozpin's secrets despite his protests, arriving to Atlas and lying to Ironwood, Ironwood becomes a mad king and tries to blow Mantle and then Cinder and Neo appearing and blasting Team RWBY and Jaune to the void. Boom! Cliffhanger!"

Ruby said. "You know Naruto; you seem to know a lot about the future than you let on."

Naruto cursed himself for his rambling. "Had I not done what I did, we would've been in a worse situation due to be both Ironwood and Salem gunning at us."

Ruby nodded and they continued waiting until the whale finally arrived in Mantle.

Salem herself arrived, the gothic woman wearing a long black and red dress exposing her shoulders and bust. She looked at Naruto and Ruby who have their weapons ready and droned. "It seems that a man without a father and the girl without a mother have come to face me."


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