Ruby's Discovery

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Ruby went to Team 8's dorm one day and noticed a bunch of odd circular objects at a table. She picked one up and clicked a button.

A voice called out. It's been months since I left my mother back at the Yotsuba clan...I miss her but the thought of her being safe with one of the oldest and most powerful families completely eclipsing the Schnees and the Marigolds and so on and so forth is enough to keep me going. I arrived back at the place where I was born yet I feel no loyalty to it. Perhaps the Yotsuba within me is manifesting itself. Regardless, I've been studying my fellow allies and have formulated my own thoughts about them. I don't want to say them to their faces because I'm afraid they'll lose all faith in me and abandon me when I said them in these recordings, I managed to let out my emotions in a healthy way...though mostly when my 'team' isn't around. I have formed my thoughts on Teams RWBY, JNPR, and the higher ups in this world.

A click and Ruby knew the recording stopped. She frowned at the little trust Naruto was giving them, he was open enough but not doesn't express his thoughts often. She decided to find the recording about her team.


Name: Ruby Rose

My thoughts on Ruby due to her age is that she is a romanticized Huntress willing to save everyone. Admirable but impossible. She's willing to argue to fulfill that dream and I admire that. She also believes in doing 'what's right'. But what is right when others disagree with her way of thinking? When others found alternate solutions that she doesn't like? I fear that she tends to fail to compromise between things and just sticks to her way of thinking. She is still a wonderful leader, able to maximize team combos to devastating effect and I'm pleased. She treats everybody, regardless of race or history, equally and I like that about her. Even though her dream to become a Huntress is a beautiful one, she needs to face the realities of being one. Not everyone who joins academies to learn has the same motivations as she. What I dislike about her most is the fact that she tends to put others above her first, her self-sacrificing tendencies scare me to be honest. She is also sentimental and thus can be a liability when family members, both blood and bond, can get hurt and she knows it, she will break down and useless for the rest of the hour. She is far too optimistic, even if others would tear her down or mock her, she keeps on moving forward and while these are necessary traits for being a leader, she needs to stop and reflect for a while, only then will she learn. All in all, though, Ruby is one of a kind and I will never say this to her face but the world will be a darker place without her.

Name: Weiss Schnee

The epitome of defiance since I met her when I was but a child escorting Miyuki along with her elder brother. I'm impressed that she has still a strong mind and that her father hasn't broken her yet. She has matured ever since Beacon when she has taken some of her father's qualities when it comes to her annoyance on Ruby being the leader or racist towards the Faunus. She is very attached to her teammates and will do anything to help them, even if it costs her her life. She has proven to be an excellent support thanks to her summons and glyphs thanks to her training under her sister. She is not without flaws though as I discover that the walls she has built before Beacon had been broken and have no hope of ever being rebuilt again during and after that. She NEEDS her team as family and without them, she will be lonely. That loneliness can kill her slower than the dullest blade. As seen in her emblem, she can be incredibly fragile and will break down if she hurts the bonds of her team. She desperately craves the support of her teammates in order to keep going and that is what I and the others will give her. I also find her idolization of her elder sister to be a glaring weakness. I dare not mention this to Weiss because it would ruin her image of Winter but she needs to understand that Winter is not 'free'. She did not escape from her father, merely replacing him with Ironwood. I hope that sooner or later, Weiss will no longer need her sister's help and continue to blossom and restore her corrupted family legacy.

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