For me personally paperbacks are the best. And I don't really care if they get damaged a bit. By that I don't mean to unnecessarily hurt the books, I am careful. But I don't freak out when a page gets a crack or dog-ears, or when the spine breaks. Sometimes I write in them. At the end of the day I guess the most important thing is that the book gets read. That's what it's for. I think it's pretty when you can actually see that someone read the book. And loved it.
And I also do lend my books to my friends. I think it's the most beautiful thing when the book can pursue its purpose multiple times. Wouldn't it be sad if I just only read it once, left no marks or whatever and then let the book sit there till I die? I mean, poor book, it wants readers, doesn't it? So yea. (But to get this clear I do not hurt books on purpose. Especially not if I am not the owner of course. And also not when it's a special version or somethin) <3
We should be daydreamers
PoetryEin bisschen Zeug, das meinem verwirrten, wissbegierigen und durchaus poetischen (*zwinker*) Hirn entsprießt. -> hieß eigentlich „Denk mal drüber nach". Ich habe es aber neulich umbenannt und das Cover getauscht (am 9.4.22) -> Einige Kapitel sind sc...